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Don't forget to turn back your clocks!

Just a friendly reminder Smiley Happy

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Re: Don't forget to turn back your clocks!

    Thanks for the reminder...yawn!...

I always do it in the morning, after coffee.

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Re: Don't forget to turn back your clocks!

Already taken care of. I have a terrible memory, so I always turn them back early-microwave, stove, etc. Technology takes care of the rest. I'm sure some of the other posters will benefit from the reminder and thank you. It is so nice that the phones and computers do it automatically.😊



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Re: Don't forget to turn back your clocks!

Thanks for the reminder. 


I always do that in the morning when I get up.  Rather have a longer day than an extra hour of sleep. 

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Posts: 21,249
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Don't forget to turn back your clocks!

And if you live in Arizona.........all your Q shows will now be on an hour later............until March 8

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Don't forget to turn back your clocks!

Thanks, forgot about it last night and just looked - only the oven clock needed changed - everything else did it automatically.

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Re: Don't forget to turn back your clocks!

If you forget, or are just lazy, no worries.  Your clocks will be correct again only four months from now.   Smiley Wink

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Re: Don't forget to turn back your clocks!

@ValuSkr wrote:

If you forget, or are just lazy, no worries.  Your clocks will be correct again only four months from now.   Smiley Wink


Ha Ha, I never changed my car clock & now it is correct! LOL

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Registered: ‎03-30-2014

Re: Don't forget to turn back your clocks!

I never have the fortitude to participate in this nonsense until after lunch.  Takes some calories to fire the old girl up.

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Registered: ‎05-01-2010

Re: Don't forget to turn back your clocks!

Our clocks all change automatically except for the oven one.