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A true Christian who lived it and reached out to everyone of every faith. Prayers for his family and all the people whose lives he touched. May he RIP.

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It's great to see such an outpouring of respect for the man and his work.

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I never listened to him or followed him,  but, he seemed to really believe in what he said... 99 years is a long life.

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February 21, 2018


Regarding the death of her father, Billy Graham

My Father’s legacy is one that encompasses the world…and engulfs my own life.  When I think of him, I don’t think of Billy Graham, the public figure.  I think of my Daddy.  The one who was always a farmer at heart.  Who loved his dogs and his cat.  Who followed the weather patterns almost as closely as he did world events.  Who wore old blue jeans, comfortable sweaters, and a baseball cap.  Who loved lukewarm coffee, sweet ice tea, one scoop of ice cream, and a plain hamburger from McDonald’s. Who was interested in everything and everyone, from the small to the great.  Whose mind remembered details that even a computer would have trouble recalling.




*************  I thought this was sweet from his daughter, Anne...... thought some of you  might like it.

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He is more alive than he has ever been! There is no counting the number of lives he has touched...both directly, and from the "ripple effect". Rev. Graham will be missed.

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His "walk" matched his 'talk".  He is now in heaven rejoicing with Jesus.  He lived a long and scandal-free life and is greatly admired by me.

Posts: 55
Registered: ‎06-12-2010

A truely incredible man who is now with God.

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Registered: ‎09-02-2011

My beloved earthly father, whom was to me, the strongest devout Christian, I ever personally knew, once told me many years ago:


 `''..... that Reverend Billy Graham was The Greatest Evangelist this world has ever known.

  "words from my father,

    and my family and I certainly knew this"


            Reverend William Franklin Graham 

   With God in Heaven, today.

   Reverend Billy Graham, often said, 'AND!, I cannot wait'~


 "my father, since not here with me today, on earth, would have wanted me to say this" ~MY FATHERHeart

      WITH love, your daughter. 

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Our loss is his joy - I can only compare him to Sister Teresa's truth, hard work and big heart. I'm not aware of a viable predecessor (for either) at this time. 

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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Billy Graham,