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Baby Boomers: What was your favorite penny candy?

I was thinking about my old neighborhood yesterday where many family owned corner stores existed. As kids, we would "group" around the neighborhood playing and dropping by our favorite corner store, Malone's, which we pronounced Mah-loney's. Boy, did Mr. Malone have the BEST penny candy glass cabinet. It was huge: you could actually walk into it, if there weren't so many boxes of penny candy taking up all the room.

My favority was the dark pink lipstick wrapped in gold foil. Also, anything that had marshmallow in it was a winner as well.

How about you?

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Re: Baby Boomers: What was your favorite penny candy?

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Re: Baby Boomers: What was your favorite penny candy?

All of them.

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Re: Baby Boomers: What was your favorite penny candy?

Flying saucers and the marshmallow ice cream cones!

Although not candy, I always enjoyed picking up a new book of paper dolls for 25 cents!! That was usually a big splurge, lol.

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Re: Baby Boomers: What was your favorite penny candy?

I liked black licorice best. The recipe has changed so much since the Dark Ages, though. Too sweet and bland these days. This is just as well for my diet, though.

Mary Janes were nice, too. And "Atomic Fireballs"--remember them?

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Re: Baby Boomers: What was your favorite penny candy?

I'm a couple years older than the true baby boomers (I was born during the war), but I remember a little candy store on the corner with glass cases full of all kinds of goodies for a penny each, along with real Coke in the green glass bottles that cost a nickel! My absolute favorite was Squirrel Nut Zippers, and I just found out you can still buy them. Of course, now they're not penny candy, but "dime" candy, 50 pieces for $4.75!

I also liked the Mary Janes and Bit-O-Honey, although that would just about pull your teeth out. {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

Squirrel Nut Zippers...


And the little wax bottles with flavored syrup inside....

Wax Bottles

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Re: Baby Boomers: What was your favorite penny candy?

Tootsie Rolls.

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Re: Baby Boomers: What was your favorite penny candy?

On 1/26/2015 lulu2 said:

favorites as a kid and still today.

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Re: Baby Boomers: What was your favorite penny candy?

I loved the lipstick in the gold foil. I can still taste it in my mind.

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Re: Baby Boomers: What was your favorite penny candy?

when was it a penny? maybe i am forgetting,but i recall buying candies at 5 cents. my favorites were always sour balls and lemonheads.

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