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Re: At a wedding, do you prefer

I like to be served, especially when I am dressed up.

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Re: At a wedding, do you prefer

My niece got married last spring in a barn setting on a farm. It was fun. Had a buffet, a couple of kegs, wine, lemonade, and water. 


IMO an open bar (free for all) would be costly and invite several too much to drink invitees. 

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Re: At a wedding, do you prefer

1.  buffet (choose what I want) Also, I should be able to get    seconds. I have been to some weddings, and the food runs out. (tacky!)



2.  any type of alcohol- as long as it's free and unlimited

    (a cash bar-again tacky!)

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Re: At a wedding, do you prefer

[ Edited ]

I dislike buffets, I don't think they are hygenic, but if that is what was served I wouldn't stay home because of it. I don't drink so

that doesn't affect me at all

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Re: At a wedding, do you prefer

Actually, if there were enough tables and chairs for everyone to sit, I would prefer a 5 hour hors d'oeuvres party.

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Re: At a wedding, do you prefer

[ Edited ]

Do whatever suits you and makes you happy.  Plated meals are fine, but so is a buffet.  The quality of the food is more important than how it's served.  I do enjoy the variety and options of a buffet.


As for the poster who said that with a buffet some people are finished eating while others are still in line.... I've been to many events where plated meals are served, and some tables are finished before other tables are served.


As for the bar, I'm not a drinker.  But, if it were my event, I'd have some variety, within budget, BUT open..... I'd be embarrassed to ask my guests to pay for their drinks.  If you want to limit it to beer, wine and signature cocktail, that's fine.  I'd just have a variety of beers and wines. And, since you'll be stocking the bar, make it things you like, so you won't waste the leftovers!

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Re: At a wedding, do you prefer

[ Edited ]

I'd prefer to have a quick punch and cake after the ceremony and GO HOME. 


I think it is shameful at the social pressure put on people to go bankrupt when a child gets married.  What in the world are people thinking? Part of one day and people shell out thousands and thousands for what?


Sorry but this is such a bizarre practice.  And so many people now who really don't have the money are roped in to this and the often ensuing hard feelings, disappointments and financial obligations are really sad. 

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Re: At a wedding, do you prefer

I probably prefer plated, but I don't mind buffets at weddings. Serving limited alcohol is totally ok too. No one is entitled to as much booze as they want just because it's a wedding. As long as you are not makng guests pay for their food or drinks, you are fine. Congratulations! I hope it's a wonderful reception!

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Re: At a wedding, do you prefer

This is my own wedding. I’m 45 years old and can afford to host my friends for dinner and dancing.
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Re: At a wedding, do you prefer

@RollTide2008  you sound very considerate. I am sure you will have a wonderful reception because you are putting a lot of thought into it.. Congratulations and every happiness to you both