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Re: Asking once again for prayer for my sister

@ECBG wrote:

Prayers and hopefully sending angels.


See the source image

Beautiful!!!!!!! Heart

Don't cry for a man who's left you--the next one may fall for your smile.
-- Mae West
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Re: Asking once again for prayer for my sister

Prayers for ALL of you.  

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Re: Asking once again for prayer for my sister



We are keeping our fingers crossed about her leg.  She cannot have any weight on it for 2 or 3 months.  It's one of those "wait and see" things.  She had the best orthopedic surgeon she could have had..... according to her daughter-in-law (who is the head nurse of the intensive care unit at the hospital my sister is at.)  Her son was able to get her into a very nice rehab center only 8 minutes down the road from me. We are hoping she will be able to be transported to the rehab sometime this week barring no setbacks. 

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Re: Asking once again for prayer for my sister

@jubilant, I will be saying prayers for Deb’s complete healing, as well as for you, your mother, and the entire family.  You are a wonderful, caring sister and a bright light in her life.

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Re: Asking once again for prayer for my sister

Sending lots of prayers for your sister and the medical personel who are tending to her. Praying also for a quick recovery.

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Posts: 6,628
Registered: ‎06-22-2010

Re: Asking once again for prayer for my sister

@jubilant wrote:



We are keeping our fingers crossed about her leg.  She cannot have any weight on it for 2 or 3 months.  It's one of those "wait and see" things.  She had the best orthopedic surgeon she could have had..... according to her daughter-in-law (who is the head nurse of the intensive care unit at the hospital my sister is at.)  Her son was able to get her into a very nice rehab center only 8 minutes down the road from me. We are hoping she will be able to be transported to the rehab sometime this week barring no setbacks. 

I pray she makes a total recovery!..she's blessed to have you and her daughter in law to be there for her. Heart

Don't cry for a man who's left you--the next one may fall for your smile.
-- Mae West
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Re: Asking once again for prayer for my sister

May the Lord bless your sister with complete healing and continue to bless your family through these trying times. 

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Posts: 2,140
Registered: ‎07-01-2012

Re: Asking once again for prayer for my sister

@jubilant wrote:



We are keeping our fingers crossed about her leg.  She cannot have any weight on it for 2 or 3 months.  It's one of those "wait and see" things.  She had the best orthopedic surgeon she could have had..... according to her daughter-in-law (who is the head nurse of the intensive care unit at the hospital my sister is at.)  Her son was able to get her into a very nice rehab center only 8 minutes down the road from me. We are hoping she will be able to be transported to the rehab sometime this week barring no setbacks. 




As bad as it was it seems Deb's condition has some good things happening. She has a good doctor, a family member who is a nurse, and is going to rehab near you. There is much to be thankful for. Continue having faith in her recovery and believe there are prayers for her and you and the family everyday. It is nice to hear some good events are happening. It is a long road ahead but with each step, baby steps, the road ahead get shorter.


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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Asking once again for prayer for my sister

@jubilant  i am glad to hear that things are moving in a better direction -  i am sending more strength for the days ahead. and patience, too.  !!

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Posts: 2,702
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Asking once again for prayer for my sister



I'm so very sorry to learn of your sister, Deb's bad fall.  

She's (& your whole family) have been through a very sad & tough time lately.  The last thing she needed was this accident.


My heart goes out to Deb.  I pray for her recovery & truly hope the pain lessens with each passing day.  May everyones' prayers here help lift her spirits.  


Blessings & hugs being sent to Deb, as well as your family.  Heart