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Re: Arianna grande

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Well leave if you hate America so much and Americans.  Then we'll have one less problem without ya

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She should remember what happened to the  Dixie Chicks, and be very afraid

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@Marienkaefer2 wrote:

I had no idea who she was before this.  I just happened to see the segment on her on Today.  All I can say is:  REALLY?  People are getting outraged about this?  In the scheme of things, she's a nobody.  Save your umbrage for things that really matter.  

I beg to differ with you.  Yes, this really DOES matter.  Grande is popular with teens and can influence them.  Teens are our future.  For the majority of their existence, our young people have lived with an administration who apologizes for this country and doesn't see America as exceptional.  It's time our young people are reminded of what an awesome country this is and how blessed they are to live here and be afforded freedom, liberty, and opportunity that's only a dream in other countries.

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I haven't a clue who this idiot is or why I would know her name. What I saw was a young female and a young male spitting on some type of pastry in a bakery shop. The owners of that shop should turn that video over to law enforcrment so they can be arrested and properly charged.


I am guessing these morons are "above" us lowly creatures, in their own minds. To me they are 2 a wholes who hopefully do not have a communicable disease.

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Re: Arianna grande

[ Edited ]

Really, so you don't think it's a problem for someone to lick random donuts that will be sold to the public?  What if you ate a donut and then afterwards someone told you that a couple of people licked it before you ate it.  I know what I would do--it involves hurling.  And then she said she hated America!  I think that's a problem


This post was supposed to have a quote included from the poster a few posts above that said she didn't understand the outrage over this.

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First I  saw her was on Nickelodeon Sam and Cat, I couldn't turn the channel fast enough. She is annoying.


Licking donuts at 22, classy.



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Re: Arianna grande

[ Edited ]

@Marienkaefer2 wrote:

I had no idea who she was before this.  I just happened to see the segment on her on Today.  All I can say is:  REALLY?  People are getting outraged about this?  In the scheme of things, she's a nobody.  Save your umbrage for things that really matter.  


I'm not outraged about this at all, but since the thread was started, I felt it was okay to give my opinion.  If she is that upset over the childhood obesity rate and the way Americans eat in general, she certainly could advocate for healthier eating in a better way than this.     


Just because you don't know who she is doesn't mean she's a nobody to everyone. 

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She can think the moon is made of cheese for all I care, but licking food others will unknowingly eat is disgusting, and vile.
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Yes how is it she can get away with licking food? A chef here in NJ just was sentenced for spitting on a customers food.



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I saw a blurb on my home page this morning but, having no idea who she is, I didn't read it.   


She looks like a kid so I guess that's probably part of it.  The rest of it is what appears to be the notion that she is above others.   I guess a lot of us did stupid things when we were young and regret it later.  Maybe she'll straighten up and learn to be a good citizen.


It might take monetary loss for her to get it.  Whatever it is that she does - if those fans back away from her and it has a profound effect on her wallet, she'll probably learn to zip it - unless she's not particularly bright.


At that age a lot of people tend to feel invincible, especially if they have already done well, monetarily.