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Re: Are there any days of the week you do not get on the internet?

[ Edited ]

@Moonchilde wrote:

@ChynnaBlue wrote:

@SeaMaiden wrote:

I am on it throughout the day 7 days a week. The only time I may skip a day or two is if the power is out. I admit I am addicted.  Now with the convince of the is that much easier. I am not boasting by any means, in fact I think it is a problem that many people have including ME. 


It's only a problem if it detracts from your life, keeps you from meeting your obligations, or let it take you down a path where you are no longer a productive citizen. Otherwise, it's a tool, like any other.



Not being argumentative, but define "productive citizen."


One may be retired, have no obligations other than those they themselves create (appointments, lunch with friends), and not be physically able to volunteer. Are they not a productive citizen because they are unable to "do" anything "productive" except their own activities of daily living? A "non-productive" citizen *might* be so because of many types of addictions, but not necessarily. They might just be non-productive because they're unable to be productive. I can't view that as a negative.


Or, having worked all their lives, have decided they no longer need to be categorized by other people's views on who or what is worthwhile. They might just want to sit on their butt all day because they've earned it, and it's nobody's business how they spend their time unless tgey're breaking the law.


Again, not meaning to attack you, just commenting on what makes, or who decides, a "productive" person and why is "non-productive" a problem?

My post was about determining whether or not someone has a "problem" using the internet too much and not being productive because of internet use, not about judging anyone as a productive citizen against any kind of standard. You have to determine for yourself whether you are being productive or not because of internet usage.


If I have a hard week at work and spend the weekend playing video games to destress and also manage basics, that's still productive for me. If I spend the whole weekend playing video games to destress and then forget take out the trash so my home smells, neglect  to eat healthy food, fail to call my mom on her birthday, and don't do the laundry, resulting in having no clean clothes for Monday, I'm not really being productive, I'm escaping. That's the difference.


I'm not going to define or judge what's productive for you.



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Re: Are there any days of the week you do not get on the internet?

Offline from Friday around 2:00 to 3:00 pm until Monday morning around 7:30 am.

Old school books are my choice of amusement for the week-end.  I will wait until Monday morning to see who did what to who and not worry about it for two days each week.

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Re: Are there any days of the week you do not get on the internet?

Thanks for clarifying, @ChynnaBlue :-)

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Re: Are there any days of the week you do not get on the internet?

I get on in the morning, check email and a few other sites, but usually make it here once a day.


During the warmer months, I'm not here on weekends because there's usually someone staying with us and I feel *weird* posting here.


I've already spent some serious money on toy shopping this morning.  Trying to get Christmas presents done before Thanksgiving, just the little things and last minute ideas to take care of in December.  Hopefully.

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Re: Are there any days of the week you do not get on the internet?

 Christmas and perhaps Easter are the days when I don't go online because I'm too busy with my life.  I'm no addicted,  some days I'm on more than other days but I don't spend hours and hours online like some people I know.

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Re: Are there any days of the week you do not get on the internet?

I go online  two or three times a weeek briefly

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Re: Are there any days of the week you do not get on the internet?

Even though I am online every day, the amount of time has decreased in the last few years. I used to spend a few hours each day online - now that is down to probably less than one hour a day. I only come to the Q boards once a week, usually on Saturday, so I have cut back drastically here. I still go online to check my weather App daily. I check my Twitter account daily, but I don't shop online very often. I can survive without it, but I admit I do like parts of it. 

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Re: Are there any days of the week you do not get on the internet?

Yes, going on line for me is as much part of my day as brushing my teeth or my morning cup of coffee....sort of imbedded into my DNA.

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Re: Are there any days of the week you do not get on the internet?

When I'm out of town (which happens rarely), I'm not on. Otherwise, I check in several times a day.

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Re: Are there any days of the week you do not get on the internet?

[ Edited ]

I am on every day for hours. Sunday is usually DH and I's date day (movies and early dinners out). So thats the only day Im only on later at night.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles