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I'm not Kelly Clarkson or anything, but I do okay.  I almost always find the right notes even when sight-reading, and I sing in a small group at church, so I must not be too bad.  I'm better at group singing though.  I only have one solo in my back pocket repetoire and I have to sing it a capella because the only music I had for it was for a soprano.  So, I just have the keyboard player play me an F# and I'm good to go.  I'm better at playing handbells though.  I have done a couple of handbell solos and a couple of duets too. I also played handbells in a small group doing Tran Siberian Orchestra's Christmas Eve /Sarajevo.  That was so much fun.  

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I sang in chorus in junior and senior high and in my church choir in the 80's.  Good memories.  I would still like to say I'm a good singer but my lungs don't seem to agree.  In the car I sound fabulous!Cat Very Happy

I'm not short...I'm fun size!
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Yes, me and Lucille Ball.  Just like in I love Lucy. 

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Yes!  Many have told me that I missed my calling.

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I'm a "trained" singer.
I was blessed, while in college, to fall into a situation in which my skills in other areas were so badly needed by my school's music department that I was given the opportunity to study voice with an amazing voice coach who had performed all over the cou try, including g theMet.


I promised him that I'd follow his instruction to the letter, and his genius, not my talent, resulted in a lovely series of vocal successes.


I recently encountered (50+ years later) an equally gifted voice coach, but she left town shortly after I started working with her, (not because of my singing!)


Most recently I've found singing through my euphonium much more suited to my age and skill level!

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I consider myself on the higher end of mediocre.  I love music in general and was in choir as an alto all throughout Jr. High and High School. Our church still has a church choir and I've participated for several years but don't ever do solos.   I always wished I had a stronger, better voice as I would have loved to had a professional career.  

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
- Author Unknown
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I was in the chorus in junior high school, I really enjoyed it. I would say I can carry a tune, however I won't be winning any competitions!

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Another alto here.  I used to pick up a few bucks singing at weddings on the weekends when I was younger.  My mother was a professional 'girl singer' with big bands in her 20's.  She sang with various groups in Chicago, Los Angeles, and Detroit.  She had some interesting tales about singing in mob-owned 'joints' in the 1940's.

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Horrible singer my entire life

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@NEvans2 wrote:

I am a fairly good singer. Not fantastic, but pretty good. I was in the choir at the Catholic school I attended in elementary school. I sang a solo at Midnight Mass when I was in eighth grade. My voice has gotten deeper as I've gotten older. I can sing alto and soprano, just not in as high of a range as I could when I was younger. I love to sing! My mom had a beautiful voice.

I too attended Catholic school.  In fact I learned to play piano by Sister Mary of the Franciscan Order many years ago when there was ony the Latin Mass. Never thought learning Latin would become a great joy for me!  Right now the only way to go to Mass is through EWTN and they do a lot in Latin and I remember it through my early learnings.