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Re: Anyone watching April the giraffe?

Anyone know when she is expected to deliver.  Saw her last delivery---it's amazing.



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Re: Anyone watching April the giraffe?

Here is the link to the ' if anyone is interested.



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Re: Anyone watching April the giraffe?

I have checked in a few times over the past week. A couple of times I got to see some interaction between April and Daddy Oliver next door to her which was sweet. I was reading that the gestation period for a mother giraffe is between 13-15 months and the baby will weigh about 150lbs and stand about 6ft when it is born. Wow that is a long time to be pregnant and that is a big baby! 

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Re: Anyone watching April the giraffe?

April the giraffe is showing “major changes” on Tuesday as she inches closer to giving birth at the Animal Adventure Park in Harpursville, New York.

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Re: Anyone watching April the giraffe?



Just now for the first time, I saw the keeper and WOW, this puts in perspective how BIG these animals are!!!

April looks so very uncomfortable, too, poor thing!

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: Anyone watching April the giraffe?

I have been watching since Thursday. I have a window opened on my desktop at work. ssssh


Here is a screenshot I just took a little while ago. Geting carrot treats from the keeper.


Screen Shot 2017-02-28 at 4.44.51 PM.png

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Re: Anyone watching April the giraffe?

I can't stop watching! I hope she has the baby soon!!
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Re: Anyone watching April the giraffe?

Hello, humans of the Internet. I, April the pregnant giraffe, understand that you are interested in the impending birth of my calf. It is a joyous occasion to be sure, and I'm happy to share my joy with the hundreds of thousands of people watching my live stream on YouTube. But newsflash: Staring at me and demanding “Where’s that baby already??” is NOT helping.

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Re: Anyone watching April the giraffe?

@Mj12 wrote:

Here is the link to the ' if anyone is interested.





THANK YOU @Mj12  Smiley Happy

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Re: Anyone watching April the giraffe?

I've tried to watch but they don't move much.  Does anyone know why the male is kept apart from April?