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Anyone have any good news to share?

Looking forward to reading good news, funny stories or something optimistic. 



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Re: Anyone have any good news to share?

Funny that you started this thread..


I was talking to my sister and aunt today about being happy and thankful for things we have and openly acknodledging it. 

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Re: Anyone have any good news to share?

Best news I can think of? Only 5 more days of coupons, sale flyers and screaming salespeople, crazy traffic etc..

The real reason for the season starts Saturday night when many of us can just relax and enjoy our families and friends. That is what I'm looking forward to an is the best news I can think of. 

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Re: Anyone have any good news to share?

well, i'm happy to say that our 5 month old puppies are starting to behave themselves.  but, you never know.  things could change in very quickly, but i'm optimistic.

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Re: Anyone have any good news to share?

Here's a good news story-- a cutie pie fully enjoying his job, and bringing joy to his Home Depot customers.  I love seeing people in every walk of life let their love for others "spill over" into what could be mundane daily living:

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Re: Anyone have any good news to share?

My son is flying home for Christmas ,and will be in Thursday evening


My Dr appointment isn't for tomorrow ,its the following week, that matters because ,it will be warmer next Tues

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Re: Anyone have any good news to share?

I haven't lost my mind, yet.

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Re: Anyone have any good news to share?

My good news is I made it another day!  That is something I will never take for granted.  

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Re: Anyone have any good news to share?

Let's see........


  • I am on vacation this week, yay!
  • I still have lots of tape left for wrapping presents
  • I have not broken into the chocolates (yet) that someone gave me at work
  • Someone on these boards recently found some lost boots (can't remember who that was)
  • I mailed my Christmas cards on time this year, and, I mailed cards to some people from the Angel Card Project.

Life is good!  :-)


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Re: Anyone have any good news to share?

My husband and I went to McDs today and when he went to pay for our order he was told that a man before us had paid $200 so that all the people after him (til the $200 was gone) got free food. What a nice Christmas surprise.