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Re: Anyone a little on edge?

During a time like this, I think it's normal to feel a bit uneasy.  





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Re: Anyone a little on edge?

For some reason ,my anxiety seems to be getting less, i just don't quite know why.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: Anyone a little on edge?

@goldensrbest  maybe we have gotten more used to hearing that stuff now and at first it was terrifying!

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Re: Anyone a little on edge?

[ Edited ]

I'm always a little on edge because of depression and anxiety. Medication and therapy helps. But I manage it myself in other ways-walking, managing my news, social media, and forum intake. And self care.


Lately I've started just turning on my local classical radio station. It amazes me how much it helps. Listening to it right now as I type this on my phone. They don't talk about what's going on at all.


Today I went to the cemetery to visit my Mom's spot there and decorate it for St. Patrick's Day and Spring. I talked to her and sat there for a while. It gave me peace. Yes I always feel sad there.


I walked to the town center and some kids were riding their bikes and laughing. It's a beautiful sunny day and it was nice to hear them laughing and nice to enjoy the sunshine. 


It helps to know when you're at the point of overload and to have strategies to manage that. I'm not telling anyone else what to do and I would never judge either. As someone who lives with mental health issues, I have empathy and compassion.


There are talk and text lines for emotional distress. This whole situation clearly points out what's sorely lacking in mental health care too. If we don't learn from this we never will.

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Re: Anyone a little on edge?

This is temporary.

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Re: Anyone a little on edge?

@gidgetgh : My area has no reported cases. Just announced our local school system will be closed until April 6. Prepared as much as possible. We are in the risk group but take precautions when going out. Doing a lot of praying. Staying positive and watching some news to stay informed but watching a lot of dvds. I feel your concern especially knowing your caregiver responsibilities. Southern Bee

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Re: Anyone a little on edge?

was just talking to a friend...we're both 70....we remember going through something similar to this during the polio scare...we remembered standing in line to get the polio vaccine......and staying away from crowds.....anyone else remember that time in our lives...

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Re: Anyone a little on edge?

Everyone should be a little on edge. If not for themselves, for the many that are in danger from this. 


I'm staying very informed. I'm staying out of the public for the most part starting yesterday. I had to take my mom to a cardiologist appointment, and her (the doctor's) take on what is going on was frightening to me. 


After that appointment, I hit the bank, the post office, the pharmacy and other places I could drive through and take care of business. We would usually go to the grocery, eat out lunch at a restaurant, maybe shop for pleasure, and we did that even just last week, we did not yesterday, and we are done for now. 


My husband is still working and he has to go in every day, so that is always a source of exposure for us.


We are fully stocked for a year on most things we would normally need, and at least 6 months on food, so the stress of not being prepared is not bothering me, or making me stress.


Honestly I don't really worry about my husband and I, any more than any other virus going around. I'm really in 'protect my mom' mode at this point in time, and so living my life almost as though I'm the one compromised, so I don't take it to her, as I do many tasks for her each month.


And my son just bought a house, has been sick all week, is working two and three jobs, and so I'm stressed about not being able to 'mother' him at this point, or spend any real time around him right now.  

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Re: Anyone a little on edge?

I'm not freaking out, but I am concerned, as we should be.


"Just" tell yourself that you are doing what you can to keep yourself and your family safe, taking proper precautions.   


We will be OK if we hunker down now.  It won't be forever.  Try to watch a funny movie, like "My Cousin Vinny", which I am doing now.



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Re: Anyone a little on edge?

@Tessa Mendoza : DH favorite movie and I will suggest we watch that. Southern Bee