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Re: Anyone a little on edge?

@Jamstan wrote:

I am more than a little on edge. At times, I have been in full on panic mode. The past few months before this began my anxiety and depression were bad but this crisis has really made me worse. My state has the highest # of cases in the country right now. Unknown and uncertain outcomes are tough for me to handle which makes me feel all the worse. I am also geniunely concerned for this country and what things will be like after the crisis is over.

I've always had anxiety and depression, too.  People say it never does any good, but that's not exactly so.  I feel that I've always been somewhat of a "prepper" and I'm pretty good at it.   


It may very well turn out not to be as bad as feared.  I certainly hope so, but its always good to be prepared and makes me feel a little less anxious. 

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Re: Anyone a little on edge?

@homedecor1 wrote:

Not at all.  I am taking the precautions they recommend and sitting by the pool enjoying 88 and sunny skies.  No seats available! Lots of visitors and kids ...


A perfect day 🌴☀️

Summer is coming for the rest of us, too.  It will be here before we know it, and I can't wait to go to the pool!

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Re: Anyone a little on edge?

@CelticCrafter : They should have both drank it to calm their nerves.

cartoon-funny-two-men-walking-drunk-cartoon-funny-two-men-walking-drunk-sunset-background-129283288 - Edited.jpgWoman Wink

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Re: Anyone a little on edge?

[ Edited ]

No.   Last I heard, no cases have been confirmed in WV. 


I have done what is in my power to do; my household is always prepared, we are good for 5-6 months, which is normal for how we live.   


Our biggest risk to catch this virus is from our trucker daughter who has been in many states with active cases.   My plan if she comes home sick; teacher daughter has a suitcase packed and ready to go to her boyfriends.   I actually have a bag ready for my husband, and just need 20 minutes to get his c-pap, nebulizer, and meds together to get him across the road to a safe place.   I will stay here with my daughter and our pets.   


I don't waste minutes of my life worrying about the things I can’t change.   I plan how I will react, and never doubt my faith or my strength to deal with what comes into my world.  

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Re: Anyone a little on edge?

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Re: Anyone a little on edge?

@Jamstan wrote:

I am more than a little on edge. At times, I have been in full on panic mode. The past few months before this began my anxiety and depression were bad but this crisis has really made me worse. My state has the highest # of cases in the country right now. Unknown and uncertain outcomes are tough for me to handle which makes me feel all the worse. I am also geniunely concerned for this country and what things will be like after the crisis is over.

Cyber hugs, @Jamstan.  I'm sorry this has come at the worst possible time for you.


Personally, I was in the process of pushing myself to leave the house more often.  It felt nice to get myself ready and get out of the house more.  But I don't think it's a good idea right now.  I'm listening to guided meditations more frequently, but it is hard to concentrate on them at times.  I am keeping up with the news, but limiting my consumption.  I know I need to keep myself current and protected from anything a lack of information could cause, but also need to protect myself from what my mind can do.  It is a difficult balance to strike.  

I wish we could private message here; that would be a way we could support each other without having to expose ourselves to criticism from people who don't understand.


I hope you find ways to cope that help you, and that you are able to distract yourself at times from the stress you are feeling.  I also hope you will keep in contact with health care providers who can help you with your anxiety and depression. 


Much love to you. Heart

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Re: Anyone a little on edge?

Somewhat nervous, but I feel everyone is doing their absolute best to keep us safe. Today, I continued my spring cleaning, watched some press conferences and a few taped TV shows.

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Re: Anyone a little on edge?

I am not panicked, but they have closed all schools here in PA and tomorrow they are closing all non-essential places in this area.  Stores are wiped out of certain items.  I think once everyone is stocked up at home, then the stores can replenish their stock.  

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Re: Anyone a little on edge?

I understand your statement, but I remind myself to be reasonable. As small as our world has become, I'm surprised we haven't experienced this sooner. I take precautions. Met friends for our monthly koffee klatch at local shop. Not busy in the shop so we wiped down the table and chatted for 3 hours. Stopped to fuel car with disinfectant wipe in my hand. I'll be home for the rest of the day. Church service cancelled this weekend. Watching online. Released, with pay, from campus for 3 weeks. It's change, but we do the best we can do.


It's times like these when change challenges people. I observed about 4 Ph.D. faculty doing a freak out because they had to adjust F2F classes to online until further notice. No kidding - they spiraled and were beside themselves. Faculty Dean said -- some people just struggle with change. This is a serious situation -- we'll just take the best and smartest path we can and trust for the best.       

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Re: Anyone a little on edge?

[ Edited ]

YES! not panicked, not panic buying but a little scared and stressed. I am not in  the age group but I have asthma. Plus I deal with anxiety issues!


I try and watch funny shows and good movies on Hallmark and keep off the news.  Oh and watching the snow we have right now, it looks SO pretty!!