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Re: Anyone Doing Fun Stuff Tonight?

@Mersha And then they don't understand why I am not anxious for them to stay another night or 3 or 4.

I love them, & I love to give their parents some time, but this is why old people don't have babies!

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Re: Anyone Doing Fun Stuff Tonight?

@CrazyKittyLvr2   Saturday now and a day late to reply.


DH has a 10/17 tax deadline and has been woring 24/7 to finish clients' returns who never provide necessary info in time.


That means quick dinners and hopefully one pot meals since i have to do dishes.


Tonite talked him into going out for a quick PF Changs. Then he goes back to work and I go to Netflix.

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Re: Anyone Doing Fun Stuff Tonight?

Phoenix is expecting THUNDERSTORMS tonight.   This is a MOMEMTOUS occasion, worthy of celebration!

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Anyone Doing Fun Stuff Tonight?

I'm very much a homebody.  I am content staying home.  But today is my husbands and I wedding anniversary.  Going to try a pizza place that many rave about.  Daughter will be joining us.  

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Re: Anyone Doing Fun Stuff Tonight?

@ScrapHappy  Happy Anniversary! It is also my anniversary too. We are celebrating 42 years. How many for you?

We will be having a lovely dinner at home this evening. We don't feel like going out. Enjoy your day and many more years to you and your husband. 🥰 

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Re: Anyone Doing Fun Stuff Tonight?

@KBEANS wrote:

@ScrapHappy  Happy Anniversary! It is also my anniversary too. We are celebrating 42 years. How many for you?

We will be having a lovely dinner at home this evening. We don't feel like going out. Enjoy your day and many more years to you and your husband. 🥰 

21 years.  I'm very much looking forward to dinner.  Pizza is my favorite.  Happy Anniversary to you too.  

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Re: Anyone Doing Fun Stuff Tonight?

[ Edited ]

CrazyKittyLvr2, when you wrote your post yesterday, I was awaiting the start of our local high school's Homecoming Parade.  I was tickled to be at the right place at the right time.  Yes, I've wanted to attend the parade but thought I'd missed it.  How happy I was that I had miscalculated the parade's date.


So much fun!  How invigorating the excitement, laughs, candy-tossing and marchers were!  The day was clear and sparkly -- perfect autumn weather.


Gosh, it felt so good to be with a group of joyful people again!