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Re: Anybody want to join me for some hospital surgical waiting room coffee?

@minkbunny wrote:

It is actually quite good!  My husband is having serious vascular surgery, we have already been here for hours and it should take all day.  Family is here, in and out. 


If you want to keep me company, share what you are doing - eating, drinking, wearing, thinking Smiley Happy


Thanks !




          Hi, @minkbunny!   I just now saw this thread.   I send gentle (((cyberhugs❤️))) and healing prayers to you and your husband.



Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova
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Re: Anybody want to join me for some hospital surgical waiting room coffee?

@minkbunny  I have never posted with you before, but wanted to wish your husband and you well at this difficult time.

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Re: Anybody want to join me for some hospital surgical waiting room coffee?



Hey sweetie, how goes it?  


For dinner I had a pepperidge farm slider bun (sweet variety) and some lean cuisine pasta dish.  Now mind you, I just ate it and don't remember what it was.  I think a cheese ravioli and some red sauce with green stuff - coulda been spinach?  It was vegetarian, lol.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: Anybody want to join me for some hospital surgical waiting room coffee?

Hi Minky, 

Hope the surgery went well and that your cowboy is home enjoying an uneventful recovery very soon! Take care --- burton

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Re: Anybody want to join me for some hospital surgical waiting room coffee?

Hello MinkyHeart I'm sending prayers and blessing of healing good health for your cowboyHeart and for you and your familyHeart


I hadn't seen you posting but maybe we just have been on different threads.


Hope everything is going well there. I know waiting can be the hardest.


Are you still looking for a blonde hair woman when you go to the mallWoman LOL to


We haven't been to Springfield to the mall in forever. But I will make sure to look for a cowboy hat if I am thereWoman Very Happy


Take care my dear friendHeart





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Re: Anybody want to join me for some hospital surgical waiting room coffee?

I hope that your husband has a successful surgery, a positive outcome and full recovery.

I also wish you well and the strength to endure the recovery and rehab and the worries associated with such a serious surgery.
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Re: Anybody want to join me for some hospital surgical waiting room coffee?

I just now saw this, Minkbunny.  I hope everything went well. My thoughts and prayers are with your Cowboy and all the family.

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Re: Anybody want to join me for some hospital surgical waiting room coffee?

@minkbunny@jubilant@Lila Belle@Sister Golden Hair@akaburtonfan


Just checking in and hoping all went well yesterday...❤️

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: Anybody want to join me for some hospital surgical waiting room coffee?

Good morning @minkbunny, good thoughts and prayers to you and Butch.  Hope you both had a peaceful evening . . . Heart

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Re: Anybody want to join me for some hospital surgical waiting room coffee?

[ Edited ]

Good Morning All,  thanks again Heart


He survived the surgery just fine, it was about a ten hour surgery ordeal then a couple hours in recovery.  It turns out there were four aneurysms, the surgeon said he will come by today and show us photos - the aneurysms are about the size of large plums or avocados or something like that.


Butch is on a heart monitor,a drain for the blood, oxygen, IVs, etc. but in good sprits.  He is eating orange sherbet right now - first "food" he has had since Monday night.


It was a serioius surgery and the surgeon explained a lot which I

a. probably didn't understand

b. have probably forgotten


He said he will give us printouts of everything today.  Butch might get to go home in a couple of days as all that really has to be done now is for the wound (from about three inches above his waistline to his knee) to heal without infection.  The odds of that are much better at home.


His right arm/hand is numb which they said is because of the position his arm had to be in for the surgery - it should be temporary.  Both arms were so swollen last night they had to cut off his many hospital id bands but that is getting better now.  They are checking his heart again today.  It was fine before surgery so they think everything will be fine, the swelling is temporary.   His throat is very sore as well which is normal.


The surgeon said he did enough repair work that the doppler reading in the right leg sounds good and he doesn't forsee an amputation of that leg in his near future.


I thank you all again, I Heart you all ! 


And SGH, I would love to be over at the mall with you having a drink and a veggie burger at Ruby Tuesday's !