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@Mom2Dogs I am sorry to hear business is slow when you are willing to work.  What segments of the economy affect you?  Like restaurants or schools?  I can't figure what segments are getting better and which aren't.

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@KarenQVC   Thanks for asking.  We work with business and if their orders are down...well, that trickles to us.


 We also do work in our local community for events...of course every single event was cancelled and so all job work was cancelled.  The orders for those events start to happen in the late winter, fingers crossed!


We have pretty low overhead which helps us a lot and if things get really slow, I don't pay myself.  We're just glad that we don't have employees or any debt.

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Never bored.  Still working and have my laptop set up on my dining room table.  Been working from home since March 17.  I find my self working later and sometimes on weekends.  Top Mgmt is aware that many of us are doing that and very appreciative.  Our company is beyond busy.    When not doing that,  I'm cleaning, cooking, baking, walking the dog, putting gifts together for the holidays, and planning meals for the next week and going through old and new recipes, etc. etc etc....  there is always something for me to do.   Sometimes we'll find something on TV to watch (there is not much except for things on Netflix or Prime),  but try not to watch too much TV. 

 I will miss the warmer temps because I loved going outside and enjoying our backyard,  but that will be on hold until it warms up again.  Will be concentrating on my indoor projects instead.  


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Posts: 2,664
Registered: ‎05-13-2010

@Mom2Dogs Best of luck. It sounds like some businesses are sort of dragging along.  Sometimes things just aren't that obvious.