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Re: Animal crackers' animals "freed" as boxes get new look

@JeanLouiseFinch wrote:

@beckyb1012 wrote:

@Shanus wrote:


I’m wondering what will this mean for the bear on my Teddy Grahams and the Pillsbury Doughboy? 


Good Point!  But Peta best not mess with my chocolate bunny each spring at Easter I do so love starting with that first bit on an ear. 


 I don't even eat cereal other than some oatmeal or a sprinkle of granola on my yogurt, but how about

Tony, the Tiger
Toucan Sam
Sonny, the Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs Bird
The Smacks Frog
Charley, the Tuna
The Trix Rabbit

And we can't forget -
The Energizer Bunny
All the Disney Characters!

Aren't you getting carried away?  PETA doesn't have a problem with using cartoon animals to sell products; it didn't like that Barnum's animals were caged and, by implication, being forced to perform in the circus.  And the Pillsbury Doughboy isn't even an animal; he's .... dough???

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Re: Animal crackers' animals "freed" as boxes get new look

The Pillsbury Dough Boy?  LMAO!

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Re: Animal crackers' animals "freed" as boxes get new look

Image result for cereal brands with animal photosMaybe he will be released one day soon.

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Re: Animal crackers' animals "freed" as boxes get new look

@ValuSkr wrote:

@JeanLouiseFinch wrote:

@beckyb1012 wrote:

@Shanus wrote:


I’m wondering what will this mean for the bear on my Teddy Grahams and the Pillsbury Doughboy? 


Good Point!  But Peta best not mess with my chocolate bunny each spring at Easter I do so love starting with that first bit on an ear. 


 I don't even eat cereal other than some oatmeal or a sprinkle of granola on my yogurt, but how about

Tony, the Tiger
Toucan Sam
Sonny, the Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs Bird
The Smacks Frog
Charley, the Tuna
The Trix Rabbit

And we can't forget -
The Energizer Bunny
All the Disney Characters!

Aren't you getting carried away?  PETA doesn't have a problem with using cartoon animals to sell products; it didn't like that Barnum's animals were caged and, by implication, being forced to perform in the circus.  And the Pillsbury Doughboy isn't even an animal; he's .... dough???

It's probably only a matter of time, @ValuSkr before they will. In this particular topic, they are pictures on a box.  No animals have been harmed by having their pictures on a box of stupid cookies.  Instead of trying to discredit me, why don't you try looking up and reading about what PETA is really doing, how they preach one thing and do another?  How do you defend PETA for euthanizing a bunch of shelter dogs and cats that were seized last year or that a significant amount of their income was spent on the legal defense of an arsonist ?  

PETA Doesn't Put Its Money Where Its Mouth Is

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Re: Animal crackers' animals "freed" as boxes get new look

@Cakers3 wrote:

@Spurt wrote:

@Cakers3 wrote:

@dex wrote:

Wow I am an animal lover but I was never offended by cracker packaging....never even noticed actually.Put resources to work and stop animal cruelty in reality.I am offended by real life animals being caged and mistreated,used in product testing and in anyway harmed by humans.

@dex  And stuck in zoos. 



With hunters and poachers even invading wildlife preserves, and wars going on in many of the countries where the animals live, and destruction of natural habitats, zoos are the only way some of the species can survive without harm.  Zoos are modernized and animals arent kept in small cages anymore ............   


I agree with you about product testing that needs to stop.... That issue would have been something more important to pursue than packaging of crackers....

@Spurt  I understand but in my post I indicated that not all zoos are created equal.  There are still zoos/animal displays where animals are, indeed, still caged.


Or tied by their feet to a short chain.  I've seen it.



And so are people and children and trafficking of children.  So many human beings in this world would probably trade places with animals in most zoos. But we don't talk about what happens to people so much. . . 

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Re: Animal crackers' animals "freed" as boxes get new look

It's a new day, the sun is shining (as usual where I am) and animals all over the world are ecstatic and yelling "free at last, thank God we're free at last!!!! 


And they're all bowing down in the direction of Nabisco headquarters.


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Re: Animal crackers' animals "freed" as boxes get new look

@JeanLouiseFinch  Thank you for the link.  As usual, I remind you to consider the source.  And it's an opinion piece, not news. 


In the meantime, and in this case, please base your disdain for PETA on what they actually do, rather than on what they might do, for example outlaw images of animals on consumer packaging. 

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Re: Animal crackers' animals "freed" as boxes get new look

[ Edited ]

I don't get many ants, but if I see one I pick it up with a paper towel and put it outside.  Yeah, I really do.  But not all make it out alive unfortunately 


And no, insects do not have the run of my house lol 

Ants are the only ones who receive this courtesy service

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Re: Animal crackers' animals "freed" as boxes get new look

@Tyak wrote:



I'm  the 'some people' you're referring to and let me say something.  Honest to pete,  any adult getting all bent out of shape over pictures of animals on a box of crackers needs a reality check.  Big time.   

To be fair, you are getting just as bent out of shape with their removing the cage.


Personally I don't care either way, but it's interesting to see the ones offended by this change accusing others of being too sensitive and needing more important things to worry about.

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Re: Animal crackers' animals "freed" as boxes get new look

@JJsMom wrote:

@Tyak wrote:



I'm  the 'some people' you're referring to and let me say something.  Honest to pete,  any adult getting all bent out of shape over pictures of animals on a box of crackers needs a reality check.  Big time.   

To be fair, you are getting just as bent out of shape with their removing the cage.


Personally I don't care either way, but it's interesting to see the ones offended by this change accusing others of being too sensitive and needing more important things to worry about.

No, you couldn't be more wrong.  I don't give a rip whether there's bars or not on that box.  It's a box.  But I am absolutely mind boggled that adults view it as something entirely different.  It actually makes them feel 'good.'  Hallelujia, the bars are gone.