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Re: Animal crackers' animals "freed" as boxes get new look

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Re: Animal crackers' animals "freed" as boxes get new look

@cotton4me wrote:

Small excerpt from CBS News:


"After more than a century behind bars, the beasts on boxes of animal crackers are roaming free.

Mondelez International, the parent company of Nabisco, has redesigned the packaging of its Barnum's Animals crackers after relenting to pressure from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals."


download (1).jpg

Nice artwork.

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Re: Animal crackers' animals "freed" as boxes get new look

I think its a bit odd being they're not real animals on a box, or real animals for cookies (of course). 


Did they take the dairy out of the cookies if they had dairy in them which I just assumed they do? Vegans don't consume dairy or anything from animals..


I am not a fan of PETA since they had a heavy set woman on a billboard calling her a whale.


And I have 2 granddaughters that are vegan for 5 years now, 1 granddaughter and a daughter that are vegetarian for 5 years,. I respect their decisions, I make them the foods they can eat when they come here (and even enjoy some vegan foods myself),  and I dont eat much meat anymore but I do eat some.


But Peta can go a bit overboard on  "some" issues (like this, not on helping animals and fur and all, i "get" their stand on those things). 


And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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Re: Animal crackers' animals "freed" as boxes get new look

I think this is just foolish.  Who ever went to a zoo and saw animals NOT behind bars or some kind of barrrier.  Yes, they are sometimes in their natural habitat, but not roaming among the people.  Just another tactic to draw attention.

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Re: Animal crackers' animals "freed" as boxes get new look

Old P. T. Barnum would love this PETA  freak show.

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Re: Animal crackers' animals "freed" as boxes get new look

[ Edited ]

The fact that the boxes are illustrated differently means that representations of animals have already changed.  Commerical representations are just following suit.


That's good news for people who like animals (as well as people).


For someone who respects life and freedom. 


I admit, I did look at the animal crackers box as a kid and wonder why they were confined in cages.  I hated the exhibition of animals at circuses, even as a little kid.  Those cages smelled bad, and the animals were not well cared for.  We had lots of critters at home, and took good care of them.

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Re: Animal crackers' animals "freed" as boxes get new look

@Sooner wrote:

People get worked up about insignificant stuff like a box design and kids go hungry in this country.  


That's a real problem.  People just want to ease history and act like it never happened, or change the world in a painting and feel good about doing something?  


Feed or clothe a kid, pay to neuter a feral animal.  Do something that means something and makes a difference. 

@Sooner  Agree 100% !! 

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Re: Animal crackers' animals "freed" as boxes get new look

@NYC Susan wrote:

@Caligurll wrote:

@Tyak wrote:

@Caligurll wrote:

Humans have hunted many species to extinction and near-extinction, and now to correct that we put them in cages to "save" them.  Doesn't say a whole lot for the human species.


I find it sad and disturbing to see people making jokes about it on this thread.







I'm  the 'some people' you're referring to and let me say something.  Honest to pete,  any adult getting all bent out of shape over pictures of animals on a box of crackers needs a reality check.  Big time.   

It's about much more than a picture on a box.  This might seem like a small event to you, but some of us see it as a small but positive change in the portrayal of animals, and a step in the right direction of ALL animals being treated humanely (not just dogs and cats, but the ones people want to eat and wear).




Many of us were used to seeing the picture of animals in cages and behind bars because that's what we were used to with real animals.  We didn't question it, and we also didn't question what life was like for animals kept in zoos and trained for the circus.  Now, fortunately, a lot of that has been exposed, and people do think about it and do question it, and many positive changes have been made and others are in the process of being made.  


So yes, it's about more than a picture on a box.  It's not all on its own going to solve the real problem, of course, and they don't say it will.  But it represents something very important.

Well stated. I think many are totally missing the point in their rush to be outraged.

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Re: Animal crackers' animals "freed" as boxes get new look

I don't like to see beautiful animals like tigers or zebras caged in zoos...the endangered species breeding programs don't happen in most zoos...and if they do reproduce, what happens to the offspring? They just get moved to another zoo...