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Re: Am I the Only One Sick of Gypsy Rose Blanchard?

[ Edited ]

@Ainhisg, one doctor DID report his suspicions and DeeDee got a home visit by authorities or cps but Gypsy played along with whatever the mother said.  The doctor said that in hindsight, he wishes he could have done more.  This girl was conditioned from birth to obey her mother.  The surgeries started when she was a baby.  Those are the doctors that failed her the most.


In the movie, it was brought up that the mother's stepmother (who she didn't like) died from a long, painful death.  It's now believed that DeeDee killed her.  IMO, she gave Gypsy a long slow death as well.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Re: Am I the Only One Sick of Gypsy Rose Blanchard?

I have no idea who this person is. I don't watch, read or listen to the news. Perhaps the OP should practice my habits. 

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Am I the Only One Sick of Gypsy Rose Blanchard?




You know how when you go to see the doctor, they walk in with a folder full of "your records" ....that they appear to consult as you tell them your latest woes?


They're REALLY looking at  today's lunch menu from the local eaterie....thinking.."Yeah yeah yeah every month it's something new with you.....just stop eating junk and get some exercise...what I've been telling you for DECADES...."


Just waiting for YOU to tell THEM what drug you want them to prescribe....the latest one you saw on TeeVee.....


Maybe they'll even whip out an scroll slowly and talk in slow motion as they recite the side effects....( just like TeeVee!!!)



After all.....that's what we hear today....."ask" ( tell) your doctor about ReNewVia and then You tell HIM if you have any liver, heart, bowel problems ( shouldn't he have that in your "records" he's looking at so intently?!?!!?!??)






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Re: Am I the Only One Sick of Gypsy Rose Blanchard?

I just ignore it all.  I had to Google to see what the fuss was about and then I remembered.  The whole story is disgusting.  I just skip by all the stories.  I suppose she'll be on DWTS next season.  







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Re: Am I the Only One Sick of Gypsy Rose Blanchard?




Yep...the the "poor thing" will rake in MILLIONS on Podcast deals, book deals, patented Hallmark weeper movie, "guest appearances"....



Why....she'll make more in the months after this saga than most of us made in a lifetime of working...


It's the template for my next life.


Gonna come back as a know-nothing, can't read, weepy whiny victim, and rake in millions on some partly made up sad storyabout my broken,defective, SOMEONE has to be to blame life....they TOLD me that on a TeeVee!!!! story...sniff sniff...


There's a deep vein of gulla-billies out there waiting to have thier pockets picked clean of thier last dollar, ready to "donate" to "help her" with her woes ( see my second sentence above....she don't need no goFundmees folks!!!!)


Grifters all.


Starting right now I'm digging to see if there's ANY defect or malady, or perhaps some dim suspicion of  some kind of abuse from 70 years ago that I can parlay by Blaming Someone Else...


( Mom was GOLD to me....she's gone she won't die of shame if I go on Dr Phil and whine.....)...


Sigh. Not gonna be a chump any longer.


Donate Today to....Natalia, Blanchard, Caylee Anthony fund, Nalalee Hollliway memorial fund, any petito- blond -fit- murder- victim fund ( MORE it there's mulitples!!! Twice to sorrow for half the price!!!)...


At this point, I'm too old...but next time around? See ya on the WeeperVision!!!!


O yeah.


I'm going to be dreamy.... That's where the REAL payday lies!!!!





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Re: Am I the Only One Sick of Gypsy Rose Blanchard?

She s now doing ' red carpets' .. 

Make it stop

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Re: Am I the Only One Sick of Gypsy Rose Blanchard?

Not gonna lie, some of these stories interest me - maybe some more than others. I'll watch stuff, but I also have it in my control to quit, change the channel, etc.  Then there are times when I am committed to following a case in Court TV and will watch as much as I possibly can. 🤷‍♀️

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Re: Am I the Only One Sick of Gypsy Rose Blanchard?

@HisElk1 wrote:

@Ainhisg , a very well written post.  Thank you.  


Gypsy's life was h*ll from the time she was a baby.  We watched her story years ago and are watching this update.  Even her pediatrician admitted he didn't do the right thing for her, plus her mother lied about her actual birth date.  Her  mother was a monster in every way possible.  She told her that her father wanted nothing to do with her which was a lie.  The mother was a master manipulator and got away with it.


IMO, Gypsy did "her time" while being in her mother's house and suffering from all that was done to her; I do not believe she deserved any jail time.

@HisElk1  I agree with you 100%. Gypsey suffered the tortures of the damned,by the hand of her evil mother. She should never have gone to jail.

 I hope she's getting the help she needs . As a mother I can't fathom what her mother did to her.I hope she can find peace & live a good life.

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Re: Am I the Only One Sick of Gypsy Rose Blanchard?

@Mmsfoxxie wrote:

@Ainhisg, one doctor DID report his suspicions and DeeDee got a home visit by authorities or cps but Gypsy played along with whatever the mother said.  The doctor said that in hindsight, he wishes he could have done more.  This girl was conditioned from birth to obey her mother.  The surgeries started when she was a baby.  Those are the doctors that failed her the most.


In the movie, it was brought up that the mother's stepmother (who she didn't like) died from a long, painful death.  It's now believed that DeeDee killed her.  IMO, she gave Gypsy a long slow death as well.

@Mmsfoxxie which doctor reported suspicions?  To my knowledge, only one doctor has come forth saying he suspected Munchausen by proxy: Dr. Bernardo Flasterstein.  He did not report it, because he said Gypsy was not abused but overmedicated.  Dee Dee left his doctor's office in a huff, and he never reported his suspicions.  He says now that he would do things differently.

Dee Dee's stepmother (Laura Pitre) is still very much alive.  Dee Dee did reportedly try to kill her stepmother with Roundup.  

Dee Dee's mother (Emma Lois Pitre) died of natural causes, but the family has stated that they suspect Dee Dee withheld food from her mother to hasten her death.

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Re: Am I the Only One Sick of Gypsy Rose Blanchard?

[ Edited ]

@Ainhisg , Oh, goodness, I can't remember his name, just that Dee Dee was angry that they came even though she was able to fool them.


ETA:  @Ainhisg ..... I had to Google, lol.  It was Dr. Lakshmi Chandra, one of her new doctors who couldn't believe her records were correct so he called CPS.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)