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Re: A Rhetorical Question - What The Heck Is.....

I think it all started with the everyone gets a trophy plan....didn’t  learn how to deal with loss or disappointment 

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Re: A Rhetorical Question - What The Heck Is.....

[ Edited ]

Don't know where most of you live, but where I live (and it's a large city with over 1 million people) the vast majority are kind. Yes, there are some who aren't nice at all but they're definitely the minority. And since we now have "news" 24/7,

of course we're going to hear more bad things. 


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Re: A Rhetorical Question - What The Heck Is.....

@dex wrote:

I think it all started with the everyone gets a trophy plan....didn’t  learn how to deal with loss or disappointment 

Explain my Great Aunt's 7th place horse show ribbon then.

When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.
"Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
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Re: A Rhetorical Question - What The Heck Is.....


my first thought was, is it really chicken, chicken with $100 bills attached or something like chicken grown in a lab?

what's wrong with some people?
that would make for a really good research project, then turn the findings into a book and mini series.

some people have a chemical imbalance and don't know it.

some people imitate what they see on tv or read in a tweet. especially that bad or evil things.

some people are just plain evil.

some people don't love themselves, so they don't care about hurting or treating other people badly.


just look at all of the problems with the people working on air planes or in restaurants that spit in food or treat paying customers wrong or write derogatory things on their sales receipt. or telling police officers that they are not welcome in the restaurant.


now, when the police either take their time getting to that restaurant or not come and it's an emergency, they would probably say that they were told that they weren't welcome. not right, but it's called karma.


some people were not raised to do the right thing.

and last but not least, many people raising children are in complete denial about the children's behavior. notice i didn't call them 'parents'.

if kids see bad things and hate growing up in their house, i suspect that they are more prone to repeating said bad things later in life.

there is some weird sense of entitlement, that i don't understand or know where it came from. i call it the fake trust  fund syndrome, because many people 'act' (even though they don't have a SAG card) like they are worth more then they are or act like they have more then they do or feel that for reasons unknown, that other people have to accept 'that's just who they are' - good or bad.

bad things have been going on before social media. most of us didn't know about it, as the news can be selective about the stories that they cover. social media has no filter, so everything is available all the time.

now, about 10 minutes (if that long) after anything happens, hundreds of thousands of people know about it.


it is sad and honestly disgusting, to see soooooooooooo many bad things happening. the frequency is past alarming.

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Re: A Rhetorical Question - What The Heck Is.....

@suzyQ3   Yes, I am old but certainly not shuttered in my house.  I am home alot due to needing a new knee not because I am afraid.


My daughter is 49 and she thinks there are a lot of nuts out there too.


I have no idea what makes people harm or kill someone over a sandwich, switching lanes, or getting the wrong drink.



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Re: A Rhetorical Question - What The Heck Is.....

@CrazyKittyLvr2 wrote:

@suzyQ3   Yes, I am old but certainly not shuttered in my house.  I am home alot due to needing a new knee not because I am afraid.


My daughter is 49 and she thinks there are a lot of nuts out there too.


I have no idea what makes people harm or kill someone over a sandwich, switching lanes, or getting the wrong drink.



My post was a general one, @CrazyKittyLvr2, but I do not necessarily believe that we are at more risk today, perhaps with the exception of certain maligned groups.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: A Rhetorical Question - What The Heck Is.....

I know very well what the answers (plural) are to your question, but cannot state them here.

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Re: A Rhetorical Question - What The Heck Is.....

@ I think things are different now.  Growing up people never locked their doors, you could run into the grocery store and not lock your car,  at 12 I could walk home at night from babysitting and I wasn't afraid.  I wouldn't do any of that now.


I'm not saying there are not good honest people in the world, there are, millions of them.  

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Re: A Rhetorical Question - What The Heck Is.....

@CrazyKittyLvr2 wrote:

@ I think things are different now.  Growing up people never locked their doors, you could run into the grocery store and not lock your car,  at 12 I could walk home at night from babysitting and I wasn't afraid.  I wouldn't do any of that now.


I'm not saying there are not good honest people in the world, there are, millions of them.  

@CrazyKittyLvr2, those things all happened, from time immemorial.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: A Rhetorical Question - What The Heck Is.....

@CrazyKittyLvr2 wrote:

@ I think things are different now.  Growing up people never locked their doors, you could run into the grocery store and not lock your car,  at 12 I could walk home at night from babysitting and I wasn't afraid.  I wouldn't do any of that now.


I'm not saying there are not good honest people in the world, there are, millions of them.  




People in big cities never did these things.

You are trying to ascribe the Mayberry fantasy to the entire country.