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Re: A Great Resource for COVID-19 Data - Johns Hopkins Data Map - (No political discussions please)

I'd hadn't ever thought about the need to cleanse after going through the mail and won't be changing that.

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Re: A Great Resource for COVID-19 Data - Johns Hopkins Data Map - (No political discussions please)

[ Edited ]

If there was a problem with our mail, we would all be in trouble and there would be more cases out there than anyone could imagine.

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Re: A Great Resource for COVID-19 Data - Johns Hopkins Data Map - (No political discussions please)

@ROMARY wrote:

Can I mention here something I just thought of?


If not, please ignore and move on.


Should we be careful with receiving our daily mail (letters, etc.)?


Maybe use gloves when handling our envelopes? And then wash our hands after reading them.


I'm recalling something from years ago, when some sort of powder? was thought to be circulating in our mail system, and folks were suggested to wear gloves when opening their mail.  


Well, it's a thought, even though I haven't yet taken this precaution.


I guess my thoughts are wandering toward wondering if anyone in the mail system is ill and still at work.  Even the mail delivery people.  


Thank you, and please ignore if necessary.


Wishing us all well and safe.  




I also wondered the same thing. I order stuff online all the time since I cannot find what I'm looking for in my area.

After I get the mail or packages I open them, remove stuff from box or envelope, flatten box for recycle etc. I wash my hands, wipe down anything I touched with clorox wipes, door knobs, box cutter etc. I wash my hands again. What else can I do?

Even if you wear gloves you still touch the mail & touch your door to get back in & on & on.

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Re: A Great Resource for COVID-19 Data - Johns Hopkins Data Map - (No political discussions please)

I went out today ,grocery store,post office ,gas station,i wore gloves ,and changed them several times.And,.used wipes.

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Re: A Great Resource for COVID-19 Data - Johns Hopkins Data Map - (No political discussions please)

I have been washing my hands after touching any surfaces outside of my home, including the mail.  If someone else has touched stuff I am washing hands after touching that stuff.


Call me crazy, that's fine.  I will wash that off too.


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Re: A Great Resource for COVID-19 Data - Johns Hopkins Data Map - (No political discussions please)

What about the bottoms of your shoes?? When you leave then come back to your house you bring with you whatever is on the bottoms of your shoes...for example stuff from any parking lot, store floor or sidewalk.  It's gross, when you think about that.Woman Tongue

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Re: A Great Resource for COVID-19 Data - Johns Hopkins Data Map - (No political discussions please)

@SilleeMee wrote:

What about the bottoms of your shoes?? When you leave then come back to your house you bring with you whatever is on the bottoms of your shoes...for example stuff from any parking lot, store floor or sidewalk.  It's gross, when you think about that.Woman Tongue

We have a no-outdoor-shoes house. Leave em at the door. But I don't enforce it for visitors. My mom keeps different sized slippers for her guests to wear.

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Re: A Great Resource for COVID-19 Data - Johns Hopkins Data Map - (No political discussions please)

@SilleeMee wrote:

What about the bottoms of your shoes?? When you leave then come back to your house you bring with you whatever is on the bottoms of your shoes...for example stuff from any parking lot, store floor or sidewalk.  It's gross, when you think about that.Woman Tongue

Which is why many households keep a pair of houseshoes at the doorway. You leave one pair at the door and change into your other shoes that stay inside. Some choose to remove their shoes at the door and then go about in socks or barefoot. Either way, you're not tracking all the ****** of the world through your home.

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Re: A Great Resource for COVID-19 Data - Johns Hopkins Data Map - (No political discussions please)

Well when you think of it mail & packages are dirty even without the virus.  Just think of the filth that's in warehouses and post offices!  I always wash my hands after opening mail.

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Re: A Great Resource for COVID-19 Data - Johns Hopkins Data Map - (No political discussions please)

I have in door shoes ,and outdoor shoes,when i enter my mud room from coming back from being out and about ,i spray the bottoms ,leave them there.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.