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Re: 9/11 Anniversary: Where Were You

I am so grateful to the passengers of United Airlines Flight 93.  Several fought back, a quickly organized attack on the terrorists thought to be heading for the White House or the Capitol Building.  My daughter was in the latter building.


One passenger was from San Francisco, his mother has devoted her life to keeping their memory alive.



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Registered: ‎03-14-2015

Re: 9/11 Anniversary: Where Were You

Yesterday I watched a program that re-inacted what happened on 9/11, both on the ground at ground control, and flight 93.


Even though I knew the outcome, when they showed the passengers in the cockpit, fighting for control of the plane, and fighting the terrorists, I was wanting them to succeed, and to safely land the plane.


But you could see the ground rushing up, as the fighting continued, getting closer and closer, then at moment of impact, screen went black, and I admit that I jumped.


I saw another program called "15 Septembers Later", that said unarmed fighter jets were scrambled to get in the air, and they knew that in order to take down the plane, they would have to ram it.


That got me to thinking.


If the terrorists had succeeded, the passengers were dead.


If the military had succeeded, the passengers were dead.


The passengers did succeed in preventing the plane from being flown in to another building, and they died.


I came to the conclusion that those people, for whatever reason, were just meant to die that day.


But I think that the most moving documentary about 9/11, is the one that the two French brothers did.


They were following a probie fireman, fresh from the academy, Tony.


One brother was actually inside One World.Trade, when everything happened.


You could hear bodies crashing through the glass, and one firefighter said, "My God! How bad is it up there, when the better option is to jump?"


That documentary always, always makes me cry.





Even after 15 years, I still cried when I watched it tonight.

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Re: 9/11 Anniversary: Where Were You

I was home that day in Alexandria, VA watching The Today Show with Katie Couric. I remember thinking, wow what a beautiful day with clear blue skies and puffy white clouds, and also thinking that New York and our area was having the same weather that day. I saw the first plane hit and really couldn't process how a plane could hit a building that large on such a bright and sunny day. Of course, after the second plane hit we all knew what it was.


I remember hearing the constant roar of the military helicopters and planes overhead since there were so many rumors that there were more planes on the way to our area. Then I remember hearing about the plane hitting the Pentagon.


I still feel so horrible for all who died that awful day, the ones who were maimed and injured, and their families. I especially feel connected to those who died and were injured at the Pentagon because of where I have lived most of my life. I was born and raised in Washington, DC and a great deal of those who died in the plane that departed from Dulles and crashed into the Pentagon were DC school children who were being rewarded with a plane trip, mostly their first one, for being good students. Since I was also a student of DC public schools, I can relate. How anyone could look into the faces of all of those children and willfully murder them I will never understand.

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Registered: ‎09-06-2014

Re: 9/11 Anniversary: Where Were You

I was driving to work (in Phoenix, AZ) and always listened to the radio in the morning.  One announcer said "we're getting reports that a small plane has crashed into The World Trade Center".  In just a matter of minutes, everyone knew it wasn't a small plane and wasn't an accident.  It was such an upsetting, emotional day at work.  I remember crying and thinking "why do they hate us".  One of the large conference rooms had a TV in it and people were in and out all day watching the coverage.  I never once went into that room but waited until I got home to see what had happened, and cried and mourned in private.  It's been 15 years but it feels like yesterday.    GOD BLESS AMERICA          Heart

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: 9/11 Anniversary: Where Were You

I wrote a very long post, which went poof.  I don't have the stamina to rewrite it.  One of the most painful days of my life . . . 

Do the math.
Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,660
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: 9/11 Anniversary: Where Were You

IN a hotel room in Nashville Tn.  I had flown in the day before to give a training seminar on a product that one of our clients was going to be using.  I was getting dressed when the planes struck.  I went ahead and did the seminar although I doubt the people I trained remember a word of what I said.  I was scheduled to fly back to Dulles mid afternoon but of course all flights were cancelled.  I spent the next 4 days in Nashville in that hotel,room waiting to get home.  EVerything was shut.  NOthing to do, no place to go.  On Saturday I still could not get a rescheduled flight home so I took the rental car and drove 11 hours straight through to home.