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Re: 9/11 Anniversary: Where Were You

@LTT1  Ohhhhhhhh, you changed your Avatar. 

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Re: 9/11 Anniversary: Where Were You

I was at work, and since I work in the travel detpt of a Fortune 500 company, we started getting calls from travelers, before we even knew what had happened.....Then of course we all left to find the nearest television. I must not have had my radio on that morning, because the attacks must have happened shortly after I left for work......I will never forget cleints saying get home any way your can. We had clients driving to Wisconsin from Florida, California, etc. They just wanted to be home with their families, and most did not want to wait until they could fly again, unless of course they were overseas and had to wait........I remember my daughter calling me, she was in college, and said Mom what is going on? Very very scary.............

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Re: 9/11 Anniversary: Where Were You

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: 9/11 Anniversary: Where Were You

[ Edited ]

In CA sleeping.  My boss called me and told me to turn on the tv.  It was just in time to see that a plane had just crashed into the Pentagon where my brother worked.  I got off the phone and stared calling his house and cell phone to no avail.  I went into work dazed and confused and by the time I got to work,  a coworker told me my husband had called and told me that my brother was OK.  He had just been to that side of the Penatagon, but had left before the crash.  He left right away and went home.  He said he was ready to move to the mountains after that.  


I find it really sad this time of the year, especially living here on the East coast now, when people only talk about the World Trade Center and forget about the Pentagon.  

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Re: 9/11 Anniversary: Where Were You

@IamMrsG wrote:



@IamMrsG wrote:



big heart.png


Please accept hearts from me too.

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: 9/11 Anniversary: Where Were You

Yes, thanks. I was in a funny mood earlier but just now kinda lost it after reading everyone's accounts.
Just found out this morning (thru FB) that a hs classmate lost his wife in 9/11.
~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: 9/11 Anniversary: Where Were You


@LTT1 Hearting  your new avatar.  She is beautiful.

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Re: 9/11 Anniversary: Where Were You

@GSPgirl wrote:


...when people only talk about the World Trade Center and forget about the Pentagon.  


Also, the jet that went down in Shanksville, which was headed for D.C.  


Let's Roll.




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Re: 9/11 Anniversary: Where Were You

9/11/2001 was my 8th and final wedding anniversary. My husband and I had separated a few months before and my husband filed for divorce shortly thereafter and our divorce was final on 10/5/2001.

It was a Tuesday morning and I was driving to an appointment with my counselor when I first heard stories on the radio about the planes hitting the Twin Towers and talk about a plane possibly hitting the Pentagon. After my appointment, of course, I heard about the rest of the events including the plane that went down in Pennsylvania.


Even though I did not personally know anyone that was killed or injured in the events that took place on that day, it is a day that I will never forget for the reasons above. People told me as I was going through my divorce that I would forget the date of my anniversary and the date my divorce was final. But, due to the events on 9/11/01, it has been very difficult to forget my anniversary (or what was my anniversary).


Every year when the media reminds us all of the sadness and tragedy of the events that occurred on that day, I am reminded of my own personal sadness that occurred on that day.


My heart aches for all those families that lost loved ones on that day - particularly the first responders and those innocent souls that had no chance for survival (either trapped in the world trade center or pentagon or went down with the plane in PA).


It is very hard to imagine that it has been 15 years and kids in high school today were infants / toddlers in 2001. I'm a bit too young to remember JFK's assassination, but, I personally won't forget 9/11/01.


God Bless America!

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Re: 9/11 Anniversary: Where Were You

Going to Wisconsin for the day with my mother, didn't have the radio on in the car so we had no idea what had happened.  Walked into a shop and immediately saw it on tv.  We left and quickly drove back home to Chicago.  I remember there was no traffic and the sky was this incredible shade of blue.  I cannot believe it has been 15 years already.