@Trinity11 wrote:
@Sooner wrote:
They live downtown and walk to work and eat out every meal or they live at home and mommy buys it for them.
They don't do laundry either. Etc. Somebody takes care of them.
My millenial son lives where our last President lived in his younger years. He takes the subway to work. He doesn't need a car and yes, he does eat out a lot. He wouldn't set foot in a fast food joint because he is well employed and can afford to eat anywhere he chooses. He sends out all of his laundry and has a housekeeper and he has never asked me for a cent. Scholarships paid for his under-grad and law school at NYU was made up of his working part time and scholarships.
In response to "someone always takes care of them?" I taught my son to be self-efficient and I don't believe in blanket statements about any group of people, millenials included.
But this can be said for a lot of people, also depending on where you live.
I have a friend who would be considered a baby boomer. She lives in NYC, rents a gorgeous apartment, doesn't own a car, takes Uber everyday to work, either goes out to eat or gets her food delivered every single night of the week and has a laundry service that does all of her clothing. I wouldn't know when the last time is that she set foot in a fast food restaurant but I bet it has been decades.
Many of my friends have kids who live in large cities and pretty much live the same lifestyle and then there are others who live in the suburbs with kids, drive their car to work everyday, come home and cook meals, etc.
This entire list is just a blanket list.