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Re: What are you Reading? July, 2016

@gonnab wrote:

Just started "Hamilton" - no opinions yet other than it will be a long read at 800 pages!!!  Wish I could see the show but that's also a long shot!

I have that one, too! Sounds like we're reading it for the same reason. Yay, Hamilton! Smiley Happy

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Re: What are you Reading? July, 2016

I just finished The Weight of Blood, by Laura McHugh. It was good, but very dark and depressing. In between chapters, I would take a break by listening to Self-Inflicted WoundsHeartwarming Tales of Epic Humiliation, the memoir by Aisha Tyler. Oh my gosh, she is hilarious and that book has me howling whenever I turn it on. Aisha Tyler is amazing.


I am also reading The Party Is Over: How Republicans Went Crazy, Democrats Became Useless, and the Middle-Class Got Shafted, by Mike Lofgren. It's an excellent companion to the book I finished last month, It's Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided with the New Politics of Extremism, by Thomas Mann and Norm Ornstein.



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Re: What are you Reading? July, 2016

I'm reading The Next Best Thing by Jennifer Weiner.  She's an excellent writer and I've ready many of her books.


FYI, for those of you who have read Me Before You by Jojo Moyes, I was happy to see there is a sequel titled Me After You.  I'm on the waiting list at my library. 

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Re: What are you Reading? July, 2016

I just finished 100 Days of Happiness by Fausto Brizzi.  This is his 1st book and it's wonderful.  It's set in Italy and it's the story of a man who has 100 days to live and what he does in the time he has left.  I thought it would be depressing but the author has a wonderful sense of humor and he makes you really care for the main character.  The book will make you laugh, cry with joy and with sadness and really make you think about a lot of things in your own life.  GREAT BOOK!!!!

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Re: What are you Reading? July, 2016

Just finished "Gone But Not Forgotten" by Philip Margolin. Had my attention most of the way. Women go missing with only a black rose and a note, 'Gone but not forgotten', left behind. An arrest is made but 10 years later it begins again. Now onto one I purchased, "That Man Cartwright", by Ann Fairbairn, I think,a fictional story exploring the oppression of Mexican workers in a small town during the 70's. Slow moving so far, seems like a lot of unecessary detail, but too soon to give a review.

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Re: What are you Reading? July, 2016

@blessed10  Thanks for the tip.  I went to Amazon and "read" inside the book and liked what I read, so I got it.


I also read "The Kind Worth Killing" and couldn't put it down.  I am starting "The Girl with a Clock for a Heart".   I am into psychological thrillers, so if you know of any others, please let me know.


Thanks again....

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Re: What are you Reading? July, 2016

@AuntG wrote:

After the Storm by Linda Castillo.  It's book seven in a mystery series that takes place in Amish country.  The author writes other types of books but this is the only series I care for.

@AuntG - I like Linda Castillo's Amish mystery series too.  She has a new book in the series coming out on July 12th, called "Among the Wicked."  Looking forward to that!

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Re: What are you Reading? July, 2016

Off to the library today, to pick up some new books:  Laura Levine's "MURDER HAS 9 LIVES", which I'm sure will be very funny, Danielle Steel's "MAGIC", and the new Grantchester mystery from James Runcie, "SIDNEY CHAMBERS AND THE DANGERS OF TEMPTATION."  Over the summer, I have read all 19 of the Hannah Swenson mysteries by Joanne Fluke, since I have watched the movies on the Hallmark Mystery Channel.  Just light, frothy entertainment, but I have enjoyed them.  I also read John Verdon's new book, "WOLF LAKE" (not very good) and Lorna Barrett's new book, "TITLE WAVE" (good, not great).

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Re: What are you Reading? July, 2016

I'm halfway through MY BRILLIANT FRIEND and I'm not feeling it. I learned about the trillogy on this thread and I was excited when I read the 1st chapter. I thought the next few chapters was a recap but NOT. It went on and on and it is still going on. Am I missing something? I don't want to give anything away so I'm being vague.

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Re: What are you Reading? July, 2016

I finished My Brilliant Friend but was so tired of the characters, at the end,  that I vowed not to read the sequels.  I don't understand why I kept reading it.