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Re: Do you have an author who never disappoints?

@Novemberbaby wrote:

I love all Michael Connelly books, Harlan Coben, many of James Patterson. I could go on with more.

Michael Connelly is one of my favorites.  I've loved every  Harry Bosch book.  Loved all of Harlen Coben's Myron Bolitar series.

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Re: Do you have an author who never disappoints?

Dorthea  Benton Frank - John Sandford - Luanne Rice - 

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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Re: Do you have an author who never disappoints?

I think you've named a lot of my favorites.  I'll add Alan Bradley, Julia Spencer-Fleming, Katherine Page and Nancy Atherton, all mystery-writing authors.

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Re: Do you have an author who never disappoints?

Present: Wendy Corsi Staub, and Kevin O'Brien


Past: Helen Van Slyke, Sidney Sheldon

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Re: Do you have an author who never disappoints?

Georgette Heyer


But! ...


With this major caveat:


I don't like her mysteries.


But her romances are gold, pure gold.

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Re: Do you have an author who never disappoints?

There are some British authors that I have enjoyed in the last few years.  My two favorites, who do not disappoint, are PETER ROBINSON (Detective Alan Banks series) and PETER MAY. .

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Re: Do you have an author who never disappoints?

[ Edited ]

I guess it depends on your definition of "disappoints".   I've read books by John Grisham that I didn't like as much as others but I've never read one that I didn't like.   


And although he has only written 3 books, I abolutely love and was not disappointed by any of the three and am hoping for another book by... Khaled Hosseini.   Wonderful , wonderful books.


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Re: Do you have an author who never disappoints?

I have a variety of authors I enjoy but I have to say Fredrik Backman he brings on the flood gates, and his last novella still has me thinking about it weeks after I read it!

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Re: Do you have an author who never disappoints?


I have a variety of authors I enjoy but I have to say Fredrik Backman he brings on the flood gates, and his last novella still has me thinking about it weeks after I read it!


I second that!  But you knew that already and so did pretty much everyone else LOL.  


"Us Against You," the sequel to "Beartown" is available for pre-order on Amazon.  I'm not going to pre-order it because it's coming out June 5, 2018.  I hope to be around then to read it!

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Re: Do you have an author who never disappoints?

Dean Koontz. There is one Odd Thomas novel that I did not like but other than that I like his stories. I also like Stephen King.  I think Deans's horror, supernatural  books are more realistic and more of a thriller mystery then horror/scifi. Neal Stephenson is fantastic but his books are haard to read for they are so long and very very detailed.