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Re: What would you discontinue?

Krill and palm oil

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Re: What would you discontinue?

Why would I do that? Just because I don't like or use something doesn't mean it isn't a much beloved item by others. I wouldn't just arbitrarily discontinue something others may rely on.

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Re: What would you discontinue?



I just wouldn't purchase them.


I have buying power. All I need.

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Re: What would you discontinue?

@Shanus wrote:

@Mellie32. Huh?  So many "products". What type do you mean?


Well, this is the beauty forum, so............

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Re: What would you discontinue?

Drug store cheap makeup and lipstick.

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Re: What would you discontinue?

@Mellie32 wrote:

I didn't realize it was a weird/confusing question.


What's a product that you're tired of seeing, you think isn't a good product for anyone, etc.?  


For instance, I think the glitter shadows from Urban Decay are horrible.  You end up with glitter all over your face even if you use a glitter glue.  Also, I hate it when products have that "grandma" smell.  Everyone on youtube was hyping up the Coty Airspun powder, but I couldn't take the smell at all.  I wouldn't necessarily discontinue that product, but maybe discontinue the smell.  Smiley Happy

That powder has been around a long time and does have a very distinct smell to it.  I in fact do remember my elderly aunt (who passed away about 10 y ears ago and was 88) using that powder when I was little and my mom (who died in 1995) always used that powder.


One day I was in the drugstore and got nostalgic and bought it.  Even the box was the same. I opened it and yep, there was the smell I remember.  LOL

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Re: What would you discontinue?

@DowntonAbbey wrote:

Drug store cheap makeup and lipstick.

Drug store makeup and lipstick is made by the same companies that make the high end and many times the formulas are identical to the high end ones. Some are even better. 


You are really hung up on thinking that high end products are some how superior. That couldn't be further from the truth and many times you can get better skin care at the drug store over the department store. 

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Re: What would you discontinue?

@DowntonAbbey wrote:

Drug store cheap makeup and lipstick.

Cheap drugstore products have their place. Some cheap products are actually very good and not everyone can afford high-end like you can.

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Re: What would you discontinue?

@noodleann wrote:

I vote to "discontinue" a product every time I fail to buy it. I've "discontinued" Burberry raincoats, Jaguars, Hermes Birkins, vacations in Belize, etc., but do they go away? Apparently not. I'm puzzled.


Seriously, the question is really the inverse, if you could bring anything back, what would it be? I'd bring back Yardley's Pot o'Gloss from the '70s, Nabisco's Brown Edge Wafers, and Peek Frean's Playbox biscuits with fairy tale characters in stencilled icing. I'd bring back Wacoal bras before they cheapened the construction, glass wax in the pink can, and Easy-Off oven cleaner in the glass jar with the attached brush (it worked like nothing else). The old formulations of Shalimar and Opium, and the Lady Slipper line from The Thymes. Etc., etc.

On point! Wacoal 😪
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Re: What would you discontinue?

Thank you, @Irshgrl31201 !!!



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