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On 3/15/2014 sidsmom said:

Cats are like ovens...self-cleaning. ??

{#emotions_dlg.biggrin} Yes, only they lick the mess off instead of burn it off.

It's God's job to judge the terrorists. It's our mission to arrange the meeting. U.S. Marines
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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

I personally love my kitties as they are but I live with my parents and my father ""claims"" that he is allergic to them. He complains that they lick their private areas and then lick the rest of themselves and so on. He has suggested that I bathe them more often. I have a cat shampoo but of course it lathers like any other shampoo and I was wondering if I could find a natural alternative to shampoo that would be nice for my darlings.

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On 3/15/2014 KittyKat L said:

I personally love my kitties as they are but I live with my parents and my father "claims" that he is allergic to them. He complains that they lick their private areas and then lick the rest of themselves and so on. He has suggested that I bathe them more often. I have a cat shampoo but of course it lathers like any other shampoo and I was wondering if I could find a natural alternative to shampoo that would be nice for my darlings.

Just do warm water and brushing/combing. That's enough to keep the dander and shedding down.

ETA If you feel you must use a product, ask your local Vet or no kill shelter what they use.

It's God's job to judge the terrorists. It's our mission to arrange the meeting. U.S. Marines
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On 3/15/2014 KittyKat L said:

I'm wondering if it is safe for cats since it contains tea tree and Chaz says tea tree is poisonous for cats.

Thanks in advance

You answered your own question. Do not use tea tree on your cats!

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Gosh no wonder my cat would run out of my bedroom when i had wen tea tree oil on my scalp!

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On 3/15/2014 MidNight said:

Gosh no wonder my cat would run out of my bedroom when i had wen tea tree oil on my scalp!

That's good your cat runs. Some cats are attracted to the smell, even though it's bad for them.

It's God's job to judge the terrorists. It's our mission to arrange the meeting. U.S. Marines
Posts: 24
Registered: ‎03-12-2010


Great suggestions. Thank you very much.

Valued Contributor
Posts: 973
Registered: ‎02-06-2014
Thanks for the info here ladies! I came back to the forum to check in and was going to start a thread for cat owners asking questions. I have 2 of the best feline fur babies and was curious about wen on them. One of our cats has feline leukemia (he's had it since birth, he was a stray kitty )and we have to be so careful. He is now almost 7 and we have almost lost him 4 times but by the grace of God, blood transfusions, and a wonderful vet, he has now been in remission for over a year and is doing fantastic!! You would never know he had it. Our other baby is almost 5 and has NOT contracted it!! Amen! God is good!!
Love my Wen, Love my Animals! God Bless You All!
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Cats should not be exposed to tea tree oil. I threw out all my human products that contained it when I found out how toxic it is. It can be toxic to dogs as well. A simple Google search will come up with all the warnings you should need to know.

Their liver cannot process it and even a very small amount can be lethal. Why even think about risking it?

Tea tree oil taken orally is toxic to humans and animals. We are using as a topical treatment, but animals, who lick their fur, are then ingesting it. This is where the poisoning comes from.

Super Contributor
Posts: 486
Registered: ‎04-14-2010
On 3/15/2014 KittyKat L said:

I personally love my kitties as they are but I live with my parents and my father "claims" that he is allergic to them. He complains that they lick their private areas and then lick the rest of themselves and so on. He has suggested that I bathe them more often. I have a cat shampoo but of course it lathers like any other shampoo and I was wondering if I could find a natural alternative to shampoo that would be nice for my darlings.

This doesn't sound like an allergy. Natural isn't always better, and bathing a cat more frequently may have the exact opposite effects - dry the skin, which will increase the licking and dander (which he shouldn't want if he's truly allergic). irritate that sensitive area (and possibly cause bladder infections like in humans) which will cause more licking, and additional unpleasant things for both you and your kitty.

Cats can be bathed on a weekly basis, but it's critical to use a shampoo formulated specifically for cats, sold at veterinarians' clinics, not OTC ones.