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They said the same thing about cigarettes, no look how the law swings. They said the same about hot coffee, but you see how that turned out. This same was with antifreeze manufactures that now have to add an ingredient into it that makes it bitter to taste, so animals do not poison themselves. The same was said about the first round of swiffer wet sweepers and the dangers they pose to animals and humans that walk on the damp floors with bare feet/paws. This too shall come to the same conclusion. What is being fail to be comprehended is that it is a known carcinogen to animals and it is in a pet product. In any dilution, it is a known carcinogen in the industry. Pet products are not as regulated as human products, but litigation is changing that, as it changes all things. Where you do think the Truth in Advertising Act started?....with lies that harmed people and animals. Do you also know that there is a movement to put an end to the use of lead weights in fishing and hunting due to lead poisoning in our aquatic life, waterways, and game, than inturn poisons the people that consume it? How long did it take for a warning label to appear on cans of tuna, let alone all the warnings that come for pregnant women? Death causes a great deal of change in society. Remember asbestos, which was also a known carcinogen but still used in places of contact with humans and animals until litigation forced a change that still affects us today!

Do as you please with you and yours, as I will with mine, but do not cry victim of ignorance of not knowing it was bad for you, as so many have claimed with McDonalds and the like.

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Registered: ‎03-14-2018
BECAUSE some cats have long hair and aren’t able to do a good job cleaning their butts. If you don’t notice it right away due to their coat color - it can become QUITE a smell.
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Thread has been closed for commenting bumped up from 2014.