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Registered: ‎03-13-2014

Hi ladies, I love Wen and I am a fig girl, but the first time I use it, i did use alot of pumps(16 first and Second 8). When I got done I was 1/4 of the bottle was empty....I said Wow, I don't know how long this is going to last(64) oz, with four girls live in this house with African American hair. So when I got down to maybe 1/3 of the bottle. I had decide to add water to it. Now, some of you will think that i am crazy, but it is so think that it add more conditioner to the bottle. It thin it a little bit but more manageable. Also I have the 6-13 that it didn't water down , so if i need extra pumps I would add that. So now I am (wen 8 pumps with 2 pumps 6-13, second 4 pumps, and 2 pumps 6-13).. Now i do use the wen every day as a wrapping lotion on my hair because i watered it down to where it is light enough to use everyday. I don't like the styling cream , but do use it before i blow dry my hair..... So question does anybody else water down their wen?????

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(Raising hand) I do! When it won't pump anymore, I add a little water and shake it really well. I keep adding a bit until it pumps again. I do add one pump when I cleanse to compensate for watering it down. That's working really well for me so far!

Have you tried applying the styling creme while your hair is soaking wet (and I mean as soon as you finish rinsing)? That made a big difference to me in how my hair looked and felt.

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Yup, I water down the 6-13, it's way too thick and heavy for my hair. I mix it 50-50 with water and it's very similar in consistency to the other WEN flavors. Granted, it's tedious to transfer half of the 6-13 to an empty bottle and mix in the water, but it's worth the effort to me to be able to use it up. I'm taking a pass on the TSV because it includes the 6-13 and I'm not that thrilled with it.

I also apply the styling cream in the shower when my hair is soaking wet and work it in, then blot my hair dry. Otherwise the styling cream is too heavy for my hair if I apply it to towel-dry hair.

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I started diluting Wen a couple years ago. I've purchased some 12 oz plastic bottles at the beauty supply store, pump each bottle to about halfway with Wen, add water and shake. It works SO much better and is SO much easier to work into my hair.

By the way .... what is a "wrapping lotion" ?

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I haven't watered mine down (except to get the last drops) but I have thought of doing it to combine two or three formulas together. I currently use combinations of about three so I thought watering it down and mixing them in one container would work. Good idea with the wrapping lotion. Are you natural or relaxed? I am natural and I worry it would revert my flat ironed hair.
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Yes I too have been adding water to the 613 formula because of the thickness when it gets to the bottom not a lot of water just enough then I shake it up and sometimes let it sit upside down if I no longer use the pump.

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On 3/13/2014 Tinkrbl44 said:

I started diluting Wen a couple years ago. I've purchased some 12 oz plastic bottles at the beauty supply store, pump each bottle to about halfway with Wen, add water and shake. It works SO much better and is SO much easier to work into my hair.

By the way .... what is a "wrapping lotion" ?

I guess the best way to explain wrapping lotion is a product or cream/lotion used to literally wrap your hair around your head. This is a styling technique used to create a smoother straight style with a bit of curve (I guess you could say). Once you take it down your hair isn't bone straight, it has some body and a slight curl without additional heat or styling. When I wear my hair straight I "wrap" it every night and gently comb or brush straight the next morning and use whatever product I want for further styling needed.
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I never did but I'm going to now.

Maybe that will even help those that think it clogs up their drains.I'm gonna tell my daughter to do it.

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 15
Registered: ‎03-13-2014

Hi ladies, thank for the replies, first I am relaxed, I use to be natural but one of the reason I when natural is because my hair was always horrible under my wigs, and my hair has to be clean often and I did want to wear it straight just to see how long it has grew. And I wasn't taking care of it. Really it was mad to where chucks of my hair was coming out. So, I saw the Wen and look at it, look at it, and look at it, until I finally bought it on a flex pay. It did great on my natural, so I do like it on my natural hair, but I decided to see what it would look like if I had perm..... It looks really really good, I mean my hair has never look this way. I do use the styling creme when my hair is really wet but i don't use alot. (maybe two pumps and half of wen). Then I blow dry, and flat iron, my hair is really really shiny, but when i wrap my hair at night, with the wen, I believe that has taking my hair to another level,but I will say at first it did use the styling creme first, but it made it look ashy. So, when i was natural, I use to put my hair in the pineapple and i just remember putting conditioner on it. So, I try the wen. It has been working.. I don't use anything other then the wen. I use it every night and still not build-up. Now, i don't know is that because I water in down of what but it has been working great. (nikki48) Describe the wrapping very

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I water it down too. I keep a left over bottle just so I can do that. When I pump from my gallon I don't pump a full bottle and then I just water the rest down. For a 16 oz bottle I go half and half and my hair look great. I discovered it worked just as well if not better when I had a 16 oz bottle that had about a 1/3 left in the bottom and it wouldn't pump out. I added water shook it, used it and fell in love with the results. I do wash my hair daily so it does help me stretch my Wen.