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Washing off physical sunscreen without oil

I'm looking for a cleanser that will wash zinc oxide sunscreens off my face. I've been using COTZ and Dr. Dennis Gross spray sunscreen and am finding they are both impossible to clean off entirely. Oil cleansers don't seem to work very well for me because they dry out my face, for some reason. Also, the warm washcloth to remove the oil irritates my sensitive and dry rosacea skin. Some people seem to like Clinique's Take the Day Off Cleansing Balm. Has anyone used that? What do you all use to remove stubborn sunscreen?


Thanks in advance!

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Re: Washing off physical sunscreen without oil

I have been loving Micellar Water made by Simple. Takes everything off and is non-drying, cheap too. You can find it at the drugstore, Target, Walmart etc. It comes in wipes also. Inexpensive, I got a 6.7 oz. bottle on sale for $4.99 normally $6.99 and effective.

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Re: Washing off physical sunscreen without oil

Thanks for your reply. Do you put the water on a cotton pad then wipe your face with it or how do you use it?

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Re: Washing off physical sunscreen without oil

I use soap and water. Gets it all off perfectly.

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Re: Washing off physical sunscreen without oil

I put it on a cotton pad! Super easy!
"Cats are poetry in motion. Dogs are gibberish in neutral." -Garfield
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Re: Washing off physical sunscreen without oil

I've never had an issue removing my physcial sunscreen regardless of what facial cleanser I've used in the past- cream, oil, etc. I was wondering how you know it isn't being removed completely?


Regarding oil cleansers and drying your face out- I found this to be true with many because often they contain alcohol (the drying kind, like denatured alcohol or sometimes listed as simply "alcohol"- Tactcha's cleansing oil is an example), citrus oils (tangerine, orange, lemon, etc- Josie maran and many other brands contain these) which can be drying and irritating to some, and/or mint type extracts (peppermint, menthol, etc). It is possible the ones you try contain one or more of these types of ingredients which can be drying and completely counter-intuitive to what you'd expect from an "oil" facial cleanser.

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Re: Washing off physical sunscreen without oil

Thanks, HappyDaze. I know it's not all coming off because I can see a white film on areas of my cheeks and can feel the sunscreen balling up. It really is the dickens to get off!


The oils I've tried cleansing with are just straight jojoba oil or olive oil, but I get what you're saying about oils with other ingredients in them. After first either wiping my face off with makeup wipes or cleansing with oil, them I rinse my face with Trader Joe's aloe vera which does have other ingredients in it. I'll have to check and see what's in there for sure.

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Re: Washing off physical sunscreen without oil

I've been using COTZ sunscreen and have used other physical sunscreens and have never had a problem removing them with CeraVe facial cleansers.  Either the Hydrating cleanser or the foaming facial wash take all the sunscreen off without problems. 

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Re: Washing off physical sunscreen without oil

I use the Perricone Neuropeptide Cleanser.  It's very gentle but seems to remove my physical sunscreen just fine.  Although I don't use the same sunscreen as the OP.

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Re: Washing off physical sunscreen without oil

My skin tends to be sensitive and I use Neutrogena's Pore Refining facial wash with no problems and it never dries your skin.

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