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It's pretty obvious that VIPs got hair cuts/color during the shelter in place. 

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Re: VIPs got haircuts/color?

Looks like some did and some didn’t.t



pretty much like ordinary people.  Some here posted they had cuts and color. Some didn’t or did their own


way more serious separations of the haves and have nots than haircuts

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Re: VIPs got haircuts/color?

Some women have bragged about going to their hair stylist's home to get a cut and color.



I hope that they realize that the stylist could loose their license by conducting business outside of their work.


And that's not even taking into account the risk of not being six feet apart.




All of that risk, just for a hair cut and color.



I guess as long as they are comfortable with that risk......

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Re: VIPs got haircuts/color?

So what - their choice.

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Re: VIPs got haircuts/color?

so what it doesnt concern you move on !!!!!

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Re: VIPs got haircuts/color?

But it does affect me & others. I don't want to repeat all we've heard and continue to hear about we don't know who has the virus and who doesn't. It affects us all.

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Re: VIPs got haircuts/color?

@Anonymous032819  I recall ONE poster talking about going to her stylist's home for a cut and she wasn't bragging or boasting. She was happy, yes. She said she felt better, yes. But that's a far cry from being braggadocios or showing off. Were there others? Is so, I missed them. 


Did she realize that the stylist could lose her license? We don't know the answer to that but, imo, that responsibility lies more with the stylist than the client. 


As for the risk, it's not what I would do, but let's not make things worse for each other by making someone look bad by exaggerating their comments. 

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Re: VIPs got haircuts/color?

What VIPs are we discussing.


Saw that Chris Cuomo's wife chopped his hair and Anderson Cooper clipped a bald spot on the side of his head.  LOL

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Re: VIPs got haircuts/color?

I am very conscious of how my hair looks but, I will not ask my hairdresser to do my hair in her home or anywhere until she can safely open her shop.  I think that is truly selfish of anyone to ask.  She not only can lose her license but she or you could be infected without knowing and then pass it on to others.  I just wish people would use their brains sometimes.

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Re: VIPs got haircuts/color?

[ Edited ]

@granddi wrote:

It's pretty obvious that VIPs got hair cuts/color during the shelter in place. 

Are you talking about QVC hosts/hostesses? I  hadn't noticed anyone looking different, but I don't watch 24/7 or as much as I was before dh started working from home.


My stylist told me 2 weeks before my state shut them down, that she was gonna be cutting hair from her home if the state shut her down. I don't know if she really has been doing it or not.


I am not getting my hair cut any time soon, so matter what anyone says. 

A lot of people are still not taking it serious.