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Ulta sales person "warned" me (Philosphy products)

Yesterday I went to Ulta to use my 20% rewards on total purchase.


On my list, I was going to "try again" my all-time fav scent, Amazing grace.  


Well, surprisingly she casually said "you'll be disappointed if you were a original user of the product line".  She was a young girl and she shared "we get a lot of returns of it since Coty bought it".


Of course, I didn't buy it but did do a tester of AG...yup, it's different!!!

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Re: Ulta sales person "warned" me (Philosphy products)

@homedecor1 Go over and read all of the comments (I'm one of them) about how the scent changed since Coty bought it.


I'm a very long time user (since Christina was on QVC).  I used to get comments all of the time (people came up to me telling me 'I smelled good').  This seldom happens.


When it does happen, it's because I've totally bathed in the stuff (even then it lasts about 1 hour).  


My guess is it must be watered down.  I don't know enough about the intricacies about scents; I do know when something has lost it's lasting scent though.


It's sad when there's something so good it could sell its self.  But, I guess, due to greed, it's ruined.....

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Re: Ulta sales person "warned" me (Philosphy products)

@homedecor1 @Annabellethecat66  I noticed the change years ago, also. Tried other products, but have returned to Amazing Grace Body Emulsion. It may have lost the glorious scent, but nothing goes on as smooth and absorbs into my skin as quickly. It keeps my skin from becoming dry in the harshest weather and, once in a while I do receive a compliment on the scent! There are men (strangers) with great noses out there. Smiley Happy

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Re: Ulta sales person "warned" me (Philosphy products)

That is sad!  I hate it when companies change their products.

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Re: Ulta sales person "warned" me (Philosphy products)

@BirkiLady Yes, I like you, still buy it, but (as I also said) I have to spray and spray, it's terrible.  Even then I can't smell it at all.  I know (or rather have heard) that sometimes the wearer gets used to the smell.  I don't think that's the case because I'll change my clothes the minute I come back into the house and hang them up.


When I go to wear them weeks or even days later, there is no lasting smell on them.


Yet, I do have people sometimes tell me I smell so good (hence, that's why I continue to buy it, even though it makes me sick to know I'm buying an inferior product).


Most of the time now though, if I hug someone (or get very close to them) they'll tell me I smell good.  Also a few times in enclosed areas (like an elevator) I'll have someone say, "You smell so good".


I've sold so many bottles of the stuff it's downright crazy.  People will ask what I'm wearing and I tell them and tell them where to get it (QVC).  The reason I say QVC is so that if they aren't happy with it I think it's easier to return the stuff.


I've given people in Dr's offices the liquid soap/shampoo, etc.  I seldom give away the perfume because (as I said), I end up bathing in the perfume for it to last.


I'm sitting here typing this and getting more and more frustrated as I do it.  Like so many of you have said, "Why do they have to take something so good and ruin it"?  Why?  Makes no sense at all.


I doubt there are as many dumb people like me out there.  I know I'm stupid for continuing to even buy the stuff.  I'm getting close to saying 'forget it' and going back to Channel No.5.  My late husband used to love me in that.  He'd buy it for me every chance he got.


I didn't start wearing Amazing Grace until right after he died and I discovered QVC (around 2005).  The Channel No.5 just brings back so many memories, but I'm almost ready to call it quits with Amazing Grace!

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Re: Ulta sales person "warned" me (Philosphy products)

I get compliments all the time when I wear Falling In Love.  I've truly had people follow me. 

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Re: Ulta sales person "warned" me (Philosphy products)

I used to love it , but the salesgirl was correct, it is not the same and that is so disappointing.

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
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Re: Ulta sales person "warned" me (Philosphy products)

Ahhh that's the problem - "P" sold the company.  I almost cried when I had to throw out a $50 ?? bottle of the famous Exfoliating cleanser.  Loved that product but it became so thick couldn't get it out of the bottle....and couldn't rinse it off my face either.  What a pitty - the way they change products to make more money.  I'm still on the search after 7 months to find a replacement.

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Re: Ulta sales person "warned" me (Philosphy products)

I agree that the scents seem to be "watered down."  I still buy them, but there definitely is a difference from the original.  

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Re: Ulta sales person "warned" me (Philosphy products)

[ Edited ]

I've been trying to use up my rather large bottle of Amazing Grace spray cologne -

But I just gave up and put it away for my next garage sale.


1/2 bottle, I put $2 on it.


It was one of my favorite, used to have strangers compliment me on it.

Not any more.

No lasting scent.