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Re: Sweating Drops Progress Report



Four more days of sweating drops and day four of being back on Thyroid Smiley Sad 

Among other things, my blood  pressure went thru the roof when I got off thyroid.  It started going up a little as soon as I got off if it about 3 weeks ago but I've spent the last 5-6 days with it in the red zone.  Three nights ago I woke up DH and said "we need to go to the ER".  Vision problems, ringing in the ears, breathing problems, dizzy and felt TERRIBLE.  Nothing we were doing was making any headway.  Finally I remembered some Prazozin we had.  That worked...and I got back on my thyroid meds Smiley Sad  On the 3rd day of thyroid, I started sweating again but not as bad as before.  I'm playing around with the dosage of sweating drops to see if I can get more relief.   


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Re: Sweating Drops Progress Report

[ Edited ]


Scary report @monicakm, I hope and pray you are feeling better.  High blood pressure is no joke, so take good care.  My cousin is in dialysis because of uncontrolled high blood pressure.  I have HBP controlled with medication, 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼, but never felt symptoms.  I was diagnosed when I went to see the doctor because of sudden weight gain and intolerable work stress, and he found the HBP.  I take 3 medications for HBP, and I remember my doctor looking at me in horror when he prescribed the third one giving me a sample and saying "you can take one now.  Please take one now."  So I believe if you are stopping the thyroid med to stop the sweating, you are playing with your life.  Please take care, and check with your doctor about the blood pressure and the thyroid.


I did see an endocrinologist this year because of my weight gain, sweating and other issues, but she found nothing wrong other than slight dehydration.


It has been hot in the 90s + humidity in NYC, and I have been sweating a lot, and not been super consistent with the drops.  I think I am going to add an electronic reminder to help me be on track.


Please take care @monicakm.

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Re: Sweating Drops Progress Report



I am feeling better, thank you.  I don't know how anyone can function with uncontrolled hbp.  I was miserable and scared that we just couldn't seem to get it down (I have a Dr's appt on Thurs and spoke to him on the phone on Fri).  Yes, under the guidance of an endo, I stopped the thyroid to help with excessive sweating.  BIG mistake and he should have known what I could expect by getting off of it, especially the blood pressure.  

Do you have an Alexa or Google/Nest device?  I'd be in big trouble if I had to think for myself again Smiley Surprised  My Googles keep my life on track!

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Re: Sweating Drops Progress Report

[ Edited ]


@monicakm I am glad you are working with a doctor and feeling better.  Hopefully you can get things back on track.  My cousin wasn't functioning with uncontrolled HBP, she lived alone and was found by family passed out in her home, and was taken to a hospital, where they said the problem was uncontrolled HBP.  And she lost kidney function.  I don't know if she had symptoms before this happened or not.  The whole episode was very painful.  She was probably close to death, and everything considered, it was hard to ask too many questions.  It was a scared straight time for my cousin, and last I heard she is doing OK. We live very far from each other, and are not close, but, of course, I do care for her very much.  


I shared my stories to convey the danger.  While I felt no symptoms of HBP, my doctor's face conveyed everything, and at some other point he said he was trying to save my life.  I have little understanding of this, I don't know the numbers, but I know to take my meds.


My excessive sweating was not related to this, it arose when I was taking anti-depressants, and before I got to my primary care physician to see if he could do anything about this (I missed my appointment because I couldn't get dressed because I was sweating THAT much) my psychiatrist said anti-depressants cause sweating.   I have heard this from others, when I explained my appearance.  I changed antidepressants, tried several and they all had this and other side-effects that made me miserable.  So I just look for other ways to deal with the depression.


Heavy sweating remains, but not as bad.  The sweating does really diminish our quality of life.  I will set up reminders on my iphone for my 2 doses.

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Re: Sweating Drops Progress Report



Scary story (your cousin).  Sounds like she lives alone?  If I let myself, I can go down a deep dark rabbit hole of what life is going to be like without my husband if he goes before I do).  I know men typically do but with all my heath issues, I don't know Smiley Sad  I'm not an independent woman lol  It's a very traditional "woman stay home, man go work" marriage.  When you're alone and wake up in the middle of the night with a bp of 170/80 or the dogs hear something during the night or a storm knocks out the power, or the car breaks down?  I can't even imagine.  I would guess there are some women here that are living that reality right now Smiley Sad  God bless you.


HBP, the silent killer.  At first, hbp can give you an euphoric feeling so you don't know anything is wrong unless you have annual checkups.  Mine has been WELL under control for years...until the endo said "no problem.  If you don't like the thyroid meds, get off of it.  Getting off of it caused a whole hosts of symptoms that I won't go into but none of which the Endo mentioned might appear.  DH and I spent a week trying to figure out the right "recipe" of meds to help my bp before my appt on ther 19th.  I'm an odd duck tho.  I've had a Dr tell me "we didn't learn about people like you in med school" Smiley Surprised  We finally tried the thyroid (I still had some) and in one dose I started to improve.  I'm taking extra sweating drops to compensate.  The bottle says you can take more if needed.

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Re: Sweating Drops Progress Report

@monicakm  I'm sorry you've been so ill like that and I'm glad you're better. How scary.  Is there a particular  the reason you want to stop your thyroid medicine?  Can they possibly put you on a different one to stop side effects that are bothering you?

@NYCLatinaMeand @monicakm  I didn't order the drops but I'm going to now.  I just postponed an elective medical procedure I was scheduled for this week, covid is too rampant here in S. Florida, I'm just not willing to take any chances right now.  I don't recall reading about the dosage for the drops here. Can either of you recommend a dosage, how many drops, how many times per day?  Do you take an entire dropper full?  Thanks!  

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Re: Sweating Drops Progress Report

The one and only reason for me wanting to stop thyroid is the sweating.  I had no idea my bp would go bananas if I stopped it.  I've tried the pharmaceuticals and natural (desiccated... made from pigs, sheep or cows) thyroid.  What was strange this time around tho, when I got off of it my sweating INCREASED (I'm not normal) Smiley Surprised

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Re: Sweating Drops Progress Report



The directions are on the bottle.  When you draw up a dropper, it won't be full.  Take two of those per day.  How long it takes to work can vary between person.  It says on the bottle you can take more if needed but give yourself a week to see if the 2 per day will work.  

I have a nephew with covid right now.  He's taken a turn for the worst and has developed pneumonia Smiley Sad

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Re: Sweating Drops Progress Report

@monicakm  My gosh, when your reactions to medications change all the time, that's  extremely difficult.  It sounds like you have a good relationship with your doctor, hopefully he'll be able to guide you on what's best.  HBP is something they take very seriously, as you know,  Please let us know how you're feeling. 

What a strange coincidence, my nephew James in NJ  has covid now too.  He's ok now I think, he had a positive test last Sunday.  How frightening your nephew is so ill, this Covid going around now is no joke, whether you're young or old.  He'll be in my  thoughts and prayers now also.

And thanks for the dosage info. I'll order it tmrw.  I sure hope this coming week is much better for you.

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Re: Sweating Drops Progress Report


@monicakm my prayers for your nephew.  Pneumonia is serious with covid.  He is seeing a doctor right?