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Showering in contact lenses dangerous??

Who knew? I have been wearing soft contacts for over 30 years and shower with them in my eyes all the time. I have always been meticulous about cleaning them and changing them out when recommended. Now I'm hearing (on The Doctors) and reading that showering with them in your eyes is risky because of the possibility of amoebic eye infections that can lead to blindness! Do you take your contact out when you step in the shower??

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Re: Showering in contact lenses dangerous??

I've never showered with my contacts in since I always take my shower before I put the contacts in.When I need to shave my legs, I put my glasses on. After I've dried myself, before I put body lotion on, I put my contacts in.

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Re: Showering in contact lenses dangerous??

Interesting! I haven't seen that. Yes, I usually take them out. I have sensitive eyes, plus I was afraid I might lose one.
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Registered: ‎05-20-2012

Re: Showering in contact lenses dangerous??

I wore contacts (all forms except Boston Lens) from age 10 until age 40 when my eye script could not work in contacts anymore. I also wore them 23/7/30 during my 20s including the shower.

I do not trust any doc on tv except Sanjay Gupta on CNN and then only after I confirm what he says from other sources.

I do trust my eye doctors who prescribed my contacts and only my eye doctor!

If this concerns you, you should really call the doctor who wrote the prescription for your contacts, not ask people who you know nothing about, on a public forum.

It is Sunday night, please call your doctor on Monday. S/he knows all about you and has a fiduciary relationship with you (Means that s/he has to act in your best interest and is responsible if what they tell you, hurts you) and they are the only one you should listen to.

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Re: Showering in contact lenses dangerous??

I have heard this before, and it's possibly dangerous depending on what organisms are in the water. Even more dangerous is wearing them in fresh-water lakes or the ocean. What can happen is if there are microscopic critters that get under the lens they become trapped between the lens and your eye. They can gain entry into the eye and cause blindness. I don't know anyone personally but there was a story last year about a young woman who fell into swampy water while gliding along a rope rail and fell in. She gradually lost vision in one eye. So, while it isn't likely to happen, better to play it safe.

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Registered: ‎05-20-2012

Re: Showering in contact lenses dangerous??

On 1/5/2014 Desi said:

I have heard this before, and it's possibly dangerous depending on what organisms are in the water. Even more dangerous is wearing them in fresh-water lakes or the ocean. What can happen is if there are microscopic critters that get under the lens they become trapped between the lens and your eye. They can gain entry into the eye and cause blindness. I don't know anyone personally but there was a story last year about a young woman who fell into swampy water while gliding along a rope rail and fell in. She gradually lost vision in one eye. So, while it isn't likely to happen, better to play it safe.

What did your doctor actually tell you about showering and swimming in fresh water lakes?

How do you know anything you heard or read is accurate?

Once again a person who is not an eye doctor giving medical advice!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Showering in contact lenses dangerous??

Chynna, thank you! I was trying to post the article from the CDC but it wouldn't post, so thanks for the link.

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Re: Showering in contact lenses dangerous??

On 1/6/2014 annnacat said:
On 1/5/2014 Desi said:

I have heard this before, and it's possibly dangerous depending on what organisms are in the water. Even more dangerous is wearing them in fresh-water lakes or the ocean. What can happen is if there are microscopic critters that get under the lens they become trapped between the lens and your eye. They can gain entry into the eye and cause blindness. I don't know anyone personally but there was a story last year about a young woman who fell into swampy water while gliding along a rope rail and fell in. She gradually lost vision in one eye. So, while it isn't likely to happen, better to play it safe.

What did your doctor actually tell you about showering and swimming in fresh water lakes?

How do you know anything you heard or read is accurate?

Once again a person who is not an eye doctor giving medical advice!

AnnaCat, you can Google it and find out for yourself. Here's a CDC link about the amoeba and contact lenses: More results pop up from news sources that also link contact lenses and tap water to the problem.
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Posts: 757
Registered: ‎03-22-2010

Re: Showering in contact lenses dangerous??

I wasn't asking for medical advice.
Honored Contributor
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Registered: ‎06-13-2012

Re: Showering in contact lenses dangerous??

I don't wear glasses or contacts but wow, that is scary!! I am sure it is a rare thing, just like inhaling an amoeba from the water in a lake and having it enter you brain but it can happen! Better to be safe than sorry.