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Re: Showering in contact lenses dangerous??

I always wear my contacts in the shower. I have never thought twice about it. If I didn't, I really wouldn't be able to see very well!

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Re: Showering in contact lenses dangerous??

I put my contacts in first thing in the morning before I jump in the shower. If I shower in the middle of the day or in the evening before going out, I have my contacts in. I've been doing this for the 29 years I've had contacts and I've never had an issue. My eye doctor never said anything about not showering with them in my eyes.

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Re: Showering in contact lenses dangerous??

I don't wear contacts anymore, but I always showered before putting them in.

I have never heard this warning before, but it makes sense. I wouldn't swim in them for the same reason. I'm sure the chances of an infection are low, but why take the chance with your vision? Not worth the risk, IMO. Thanks for getting the word out.

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Re: Showering in contact lenses dangerous??

Bacteria loves warm, moist places.

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Re: Showering in contact lenses dangerous??

I've been showering in them for over 15 years.

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Re: Showering in contact lenses dangerous??

Cinebee, I always take mine out...I normally pop them out when I get home anyways to give my eyes a break.

There are bunches of weird organisms you can get from water no matter how it's disinfected. There's a mycobacterial infection that you can get in your lungs from the shower spray--or in your eyes--and it's seriously bad news to try and treat. My mom has it and it is absolutely horrendous! Smiley Sad I'm not saying she got it from a shower, because the bacteria is in soil and everywhere--and she's elderly and immuno-compromised anyways--so nobody knows how she got it really.

I read too that using Neti pots (those nose cleaner thingies) with tap water can lead to similar types of infections and they are recommending only distilled or boiled water when using them now.

There's alot of scary stuff everywhere--you just have to try to be careful when you can, and taking out your contacts keeps from keeping anything yucky trapped under them and in contact with your eyes.

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Re: Showering in contact lenses dangerous??

Lawsuits. The MD's do this to protect themselves from lawsuits, full disclosure. Similar to TV ads about all the horrible side effects with drugs.

I don't shower with my contacts, but I've worn them longer than the 30 days. They've gotten 'lost' behind my eye and I couldn't remove them for a full day. Luckily I've not had any problems. Just be careful and don't believe everything you hear or read.

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Re: Showering in contact lenses dangerous??

I have been wearing contacts for almost 49 years starting with hard contacts then gas permeable and finally soft contacts. Never in all those years did I ever wear contacts in the shower. Getting a wee bit of soap residue in my eyes would burn. My doctors over the years strongly warned of taking good care of my eyes including not wearing during swimming or bathing. After a certain age not to wear contacts 24/7. Nowadays I use more dry eye drops specifically systane ultra products and anything else would bother me.

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Re: Showering in contact lenses dangerous??

I wear Air Optix Night and Day Aqua. I put them in on the first of the month and change them on the 30th. No problems. My doctor said that this is how these are intended to be worn.

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Re: Showering in contact lenses dangerous??

I'm sure I'm different in that I wash my face and hair separately from my shower. I keep my contacts in. But I just visited a new eye doc, and she suggested that I rinse my eyes with hot water (or as warm as I can stand it) every night as an order of prevention.

I do that anyway, when I put water on my eyes to ready them for my cleanser.

Then in the a.m., I put cold water on my eyes to prepare them for the contacts.

She did say my eyes were very healthy, so I'm just going to continue with this course.