Posts: 50
Registered: ‎08-25-2010

I hope you don't think I'm crazy, but I saw a spot on TV saying how more women are shaving their faces (mustache, chin and so on) I don't think I would ever do that, but it's getting harder to keep up with all the unwanted hair on my face. I always thought it would come in darker. So, I wondered if anyone out there does this and how has it worked.

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I pluck, epilate AND shave! Shaving is everyday for me, has been for many, many years. I use an electric razor and it's great for fast, easy hair removal. Even my "peach fuzz" tends to be dark--and no, it has not gotten any darker or heavier since shaving. You will feel a little "bristle-y", that is the blunt ends of the shaved hair.

I epilate every couple of weeks or so, use the shaver to get the hairs that are between growth cycles. I have always had a number of coarser hairs on my chin/jawline that I pluck. Shaving those leaves a little black "dot" of hair visible, and the epilator generally doesn't grab all of those. I think it's because they tend to grow just under the skin for a ways before breaking free--usually I can free them by scraping gently with my fingernail.

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There was just an article in the about women shaving and the benefits. I shave occasionally and the hair never grows back coarser or thicker. The only reason I don't shave regularly is because I can't find the right shaver and technique that will give me a close shave without irritating my skin. If I could solve this problem, I would shave every day.

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I just bought a Tria for the dark hair. Unfortunately I got a mustache before the boys in my school did. Sigh.{#emotions_dlg.crying} But I am getting lots of blonde and even white coarse hairs on my chin. So, the Tria wont work for that. So I will use a razor and pluck for those. If the Tria can take care of the dark ones, then I can worry about the others myself.

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Oh by the way my female GYN said she shaves her face everyday.

I will never let my hubby though see me do it. I don't want him having that image of me in his head.

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I've been epilating my face (and all other areas that need it) for many years. I don't actually have a "mustache," or anything that bad, but I just can't stand those peach fuzzies either. I do it maybe every couple weeks........I admit it does prickle a little, but my sinuses sure clear after doing it!{#emotions_dlg.scared}

Laura loves cats!
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I pluck the ""whiskers"" and shave the peach fuzz. I only need to do it about every six weeks. For me to buy some appliance would be a waste of money.

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I shave my face almost every day. I like my face to be smooth. My dermatologist told me that it is perfectly fine and that it is NOT true that shaving will make the hair grow back more coarse. I have used the Tria on the dark hairs and that has worked nicely.

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Happy you are "saving face" by "shaving face"!!{#emotions_dlg.biggrin} (Sorry, when I saw the thread heading, I misread it at first as "saving", so I couldn't help it!)

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I saw the TV spot. It cracked me up- it's like it was a brand new idea. The women on this board have been talking about it for YEARS!