Posts: 52
Registered: ‎04-24-2010

i started shaving my face about five years ago. I would never have tried it if not for all the positive reviews on this board. I am very happy with the results and no hair has come back thicker or darker.

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I shave sometimes and other times I use Nair. But I hate the idea of putting those smelly chemicals (Nair) on my face. Never have a problem with shaving with hair coming back dark or thicker. But once I did cut myself above lip. I am super careful now.

I do worry about when I get older that I might have a shaky hand. I love how smooth my face feels after shaving and my foundation looks so good.

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I do a quick once over on my face and throat about once a week. I'm very fair but noticed my former slight peach fuzz is getting longer. Darn those hormones (or lack of them). Don't notice any darkening or thickening of the hair, thank God!!!!

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I run my disposable razor across bottom of my chin every time I shower. Every few weeks down the sides of my face.

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I've done it since I was a teenager. It's quick and effective - men do it every day. Yeah, I've also tried bleaching, waxing, depilatories, tweezing, but it all grows back no matter what and a razor is the fastest, easiest, and most painless way to remove hair. If I have weird stray hairs that tend to come in thicker or darker, I pluck those. Otherwise, a razor has and will always work.

And hair coming in darker or coarser is a myth.

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Do you ladies use an electric razor or disposable?

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On 2/9/2015 LipstickDiva said:

Do you ladies use an electric razor or disposable?

I've used electric, razors that need cartridges (men's and women's), and disposable (men's and women's). I don't like the men's electric razors, but I used to like men's cartridge and disposable razors because they were always less expensive than the women's versions.

My favorite electric was a Remington for women (it broke last year) that you could use in the shower. They change their line every few years, so the one I had isn't available now.

My favorite disposable is the Bic Soleil for women and my favorite cartridge razor is the Gillette Mach 3. Keep in mind that some razors, like the Gillette Venus or Schick Intuition, may be better for legs but they're too wide for the upper lip.

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This is what I do (link)

Peach fuzz uggghhhh...!!!

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On 2/9/2015 darcy3 said:

This is what I do (link)

Peach fuzz uggghhhh...!!!

Thanks for that video. I watched part of it. What are those little shavers that she uses called? She never says. I've seen them on HSN but can't remember what they're called. Can you find them at Ulta? I've got peach fuzz on the sides of my face exactly like she does. It really bothers me with my make-up.

Edited to say that I found them on Amazon, but is there a particular brand that's better than the others?

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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I happily learned from this sub-forum that shaving was superior, and it is! Smile

I use a men's sensitive manual razor (for a closer shave) and shave two ways:

* once or twice weekly on wet skin, with a shaving cream (closer shave)

* in-between those shaves on dry skin, with gentler pressure

Shaving also exfoliates the skin, which is a great bonus.

Derms say that the reason that men's facial skin ages less rapidly than most womens' is because they've been shaving - and therefore, exfoliating - for years.

It's also a myth that facial hair grows back coarser and/or thicker, as the growing pattern of hair, right from the roots, does NOT change. Shaving only grabs the top part of the hair.

Give it a try, and I think you'll be really satisfied with the very smooth difference. Kiss