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On 2/9/2015 feline groovy said:
On 2/9/2015 Montana said:
On 2/9/2015 feline groovy said:

I happily learned from this sub-forum that shaving was superior, and it is! Smile

I use a men's sensitive manual razor (for a closer shave) and shave two ways:

* once or twice weekly on wet skin, with a shaving <em>cream</em> (closer shave)

* in-between those shaves on dry skin, with gentler pressure


Would you mind telling me the brand of sensitive razor you use?

Of course. 8)

Depending on my budget at the time, I use mens':

*Schick Quattro Titanium Sensitive Disposable Razors

*Gillette Mach 3 Sensitive Disposable Razors

*Schick Extreme 3 Sensitive Disposable Razors

*Bic Men's Comfort 3 Sensitive Disposable Razors

*Schick ST2 Sensitive Disposable Razors

They go from 5 blades down to 2, and come in a multi-pack.

Thanks, feline groovy. I hope one of these works for me.

Posts: 47
Registered: ‎04-02-2014

sad to say i shave upper lip, chin & under chin about every other day. sometimes pluck that area. i have a small emjoi epilator but seems every time i use that get a bad breakout - painful zit. no shame, obviously i'm not the only.

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Shaving is so much easier & less painful than all the gadgets. I like the Bellebe tool, but it hurts!

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Doesn't shaving leave stubble? I guess I don't want my husband feeling stubble on my face when he goes to kiss me.

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Registered: ‎03-27-2011

I think that women have been doing this for generations - just not discussing it except maybe in extreme privacy! But it is a daily ritual for most females at some time to have to deal with the problem. I remember feeling extreme embarrassment when about 13 due to hair between my eyebrows. (and mean girls in my association) My mother bought some hair remover / tweezers and advised that I would be grateful when I was an old woman as I would probably still have eyebrows when others my age would have to draw them on! It didn't help much then but her words proved true.

I have had various facial hair depending on the hormones of my life. I noticed dark hair on the upper lip in late teens. Plucked and used depilatory mainly, wax rarely worked for me. For the last minute and due to noticing skin problems (and hated the odor) from depilatories I would use a good quality man's blade razor. Of course this brought about cutting myself at times then trying to 'heal it and cover up'{#emotions_dlg.blushing}.

With menopause and now post -menopausal I had more income so tried the no-no which does help me with that make up wrecking 'peach fuzz' not so much with the wonderful white surprise chin hairs. I also at times use an epilator and still use a "Twezzee"(which is an epilator).

When I have to look nice I have been using an electric razor bought at Wal-Mart brand name Olio --battery operated. and it does take care of everything and makes me feel confident . There is a slight stubble a the next day or so at times .

I noticed on another channel they have for under $50. a yes. I believe I will watch their presentation and see what that is about. It is on at 10pm tonight and various times tomorrow. Ah the quest.

Posts: 51
Registered: ‎08-25-2010

You've all really enlightened me about women shaving their faces. Wondering what rock I've been living under for not ever knowing that. Thanks to everyone for the suggestions. Might give it a try.

Posts: 44
Registered: ‎08-19-2013

This forum is great!!

I'm 61. When I was a kid, my mother told me that shaving any areas on my face would cause dark stubble - NOT. A few years ago I had some plastic surgery done on my face with wonderful results. My surgeon also has a medical spa and I had some things done there, too. One of the estheticians told me about "derma blading" - fancy term for shaving with a blade. Wow!! My skin felt so smooth afterward. I have been shaving every 2-3 days, ever since. I heard (somewhere on TV) that over time, the pulling out of hair (waxing/epilating) on the face in large areas can cause the skin to lose firmness due to the loss of hair follicles. Don't know if this is true - it is just something I heard that kind of makes sense. I do tweeze under my brows and these little pesky things keep growing back.....grrrrr. I have been using the Schick double blade disposables.

If anyone knows of the best type of razors to use, I'd like to hear about it Smile

Posts: 44
Registered: ‎08-19-2013
On 2/10/2015 SoftRaindrops said:

Doesn't shaving leave stubble? I guess I don't want my husband feeling stubble on my face when he goes to kiss me.{#emotions_dlg.confused1}

I don't get any stubble I can feel or see without a magnifying mirror. If I use too much pressure around my cheekbone under my eye socket, I will get tiny red bumps that are more dot than bump. When I am not careful and press too hard they will appear the next day, but they are easily covered with tinted primer/makeup/etc.