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Re: OT: not getting the Flu vaccine put me into respiratory arrest and the ICU for seven days

Glad you are better!

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Re: OT: not getting the Flu vaccine put me into respiratory arrest and the ICU for seven days

No matter how effective the vaccine is from year to year - it only takes a few minutes and is usually free.

I ALWAYS get a flu shot.

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Re: OT: not getting the Flu vaccine put me into respiratory arrest and the ICU for seven days

I am so glad you came through it! My kids and I have the flu shot every year. I can't get my husband to take it. I hope your recovery goes well.

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Re: OT: not getting the Flu vaccine put me into respiratory arrest and the ICU for seven days

Oh, Poodlepet2, I'm so glad you made it through all that. I have asthma and lots of lung damage from previous bronchitis attacks and one bout of pneumonia, so I'm scared to death of the flu. Thankfully, they offer a free shot where I work every year, and I always take advantage. Before that, I have had the flu, and it so kicked me down that today, at 66 and living alone, I hate to think what could happen. This year in Cleveland (nearest big city), they've had a record number of flu deaths, both old and young people. It really irritates me when people have a few coughs and sniffles, or a sick tummy, and say they had the "flu." They just don't get it.

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Re: OT: not getting the Flu vaccine put me into respiratory arrest and the ICU for seven days

Oh thank you for the post! You are right, we didn't get the shot because I have always felt not quit sure it...NO more, my Husband and I have been so sick, I am going to make sure we are first in line next year, even if it only lessens it for us..Hope you feel better soon..Smiley Happy

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Re: OT: not getting the Flu vaccine put me into respiratory arrest and the ICU for seven days

So glad you are doing better! You've definitely made me rethink my choice. I always decline it saying I want the time off work if I ever get it but that's not the kind of sick time I had in mind. Thank goodness you're okay. Get all the way well soon!

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Re: OT: not getting the Flu vaccine put me into respiratory arrest and the ICU for seven days

On 1/22/2015 happy housewife said:

I can't tell you how many patients I have had to care for in ICU on ventilators because of pneumonia after having the flu. Back before we could treat pneumonia effectively many people died from the flu. I cringe when I hear the people on this BB carry on about why they won't get a flu shot. Not to mention all the nuts who won't get their kids vaccinated for anything at all.

Amen to all of this. In my county alone there have been 12 confirmed deaths due to flu. Some protection is better than no protection and I have asthma, so I need to do what I cacn to minimize the risk for myself. I get my flu shot every year. I learned the habit from my mom, who's also asthmatic and has many other medical conditions that make her more vulnerable and mean getting well takes much longer.

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Re: OT: not getting the Flu vaccine put me into respiratory arrest and the ICU for seven days

Wishing you a good recovery!

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Registered: ‎01-05-2015

Re: OT: not getting the Flu vaccine put me into respiratory arrest and the ICU for seven days

I'm very glad that you are on the mend....what an ordeal.

While I advocate for and do get a flu shot every year, it's important to note that this year, it covers about 15% of the strains within the US. Local hospitals in my area have been flooded with patients and it's frightening to know that we can only protect ourselves within limits.

There are many variables as to how a flu manifests in an individual---age, general health, immune levels. I have some friends who have had the shot, are in good health and have been suffering with flu this season.

Sadly, the idea of the shot protecting us in reality is minimal. However, I agree that we must do everything we can to reduce the potentiality of sickness.

Wishing all a healthy season.

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Re: OT: not getting the Flu vaccine put me into respiratory arrest and the ICU for seven days

You don't know that and the Dr's don't either. I know a lot of people who got the flu shot and still have been very sick this year. There are many strains of the flu and the shot does not cover all of them. I will take my chance with the flu rather than have some Dr inject me with poison. I got the flu this year but, it only lasted a few days.