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O/T: So many new series on TV with similar themes

Anyone else notice that? Dead folks returning from the dead or people having special paranormal powers?

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Re: O/T: So many new series on TV with similar themes

I have little or no interest in some of the new stuff. I do see a common theme however. I guess it is the BANDWAGON and they are hoping that the idea will catch on and others will want more so they can ride the wave.

I have some programs that I cannot get enough of but when they are copied I don't take the bait. And some start off to my liking and then get more and more ""out there."" I don't like the serial approach where the story seems to go on and on week to week. I like a started and then finished situation. I am talking about drama. I love Blacklist but am getting bored with Person of Interest.

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Re: O/T: So many new series on TV with similar themes

People like to watch shows with amazing special effects? One network gets a hit and the others copycat.

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Re: O/T: So many new series on TV with similar themes

It is about ratings. If a certain type of show works then there will be copycats. I have watched Supernatural (recently renewed for a 10th season) because I lilke the good versus evil, family relationships, and supernatural type concepts in that show. It doesn't have tons of viewers like some on regular networks, but enough to keep it going.

I will watch a few episodes of other similar shows, but usually the third or fourth round of copycat type shows just don't hold up. Also it seems like things run in cycles. We get lots of cop, Law & Order, and CSI type dramas but then someone slips in a well written supernatural type drama that is successful so off we go with several of those for awhile.

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Re: O/T: So many new series on TV with similar themes

In entertainment imitation of something successful is inevitable. There is always an overflow of imitators before the next hot thing occurs and producers shift gears. I can't name all of them, but shows like Top of the Lake, True Detectives, Bates Motel, with their unlikeable, mysterious, dark characters, and moody storylines are a byproduct of producers looking for dark sulky dramas due to the success of Breaking Bad.

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Re: O/T: So many new series on TV with similar themes

I don't care for any movies or television shows with supernatural themes. Some of the movies, in particular, get too violent.

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Re: O/T: So many new series on TV with similar themes

Yes. I'm just waiting for Hillbilly Housewife Ghost Hunters to bring it all full circle.