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O/T: Moving from MA to Houston, TX

Hello Ladies, My husband has found better employment opportunities in Houston, TX and we'll be making the move there this summer, end of May. I've never been to Texas before. Can someone who is familiar with the area please give me an insight into what I can expect? Like in terms of the weather, shopping, living and most importantly schools. I have a 4 year old. What are some of the top elementary schools in Houston? Also what are some good neighborhoods to rent apartments in? Thank you very much for any advice/suggestions.
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Re: O/T: Moving from MA to Houston, TX

Anyone? It would be so helpful; I really appreciate it.

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Re: O/T: Moving from MA to Houston, TX

Hi MammaPooh-I don't know anything about Texas but wanted to suggest going to and look under forums. They have forums for every state and there is one for Houston specifically under Texas. You can ask questions or just search the forum and find a lot of good info. I'm sure someone here will have some info too. Good luck with your move!

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Re: O/T: Moving from MA to Houston, TX

Great! Thanks so much for your input, daisyk. I'll definitely check that out. God bless :-)
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Re: O/T: Moving from MA to Houston, TX

I spent over 30 years living in Houston and must say the happiest day of my life was the day I left permanently. It's flat as a pancake, hotter than hades and very humid. Every species of poisonous snake found in the US lives in Harris County, along with all sorts of bugs and other undesirable creatures.

Winters are warmish; I often had the AC on while I cooked Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. They've had some chilly weather this year but you won't need boots or heavy coats. Traffic is terrible; I lived in the SW part of town and worked just south of downtown. I spent a minimum of 2 hours a day commuting, more if there was a wreck on the freeway. Very important to live as close to work as possible.

It never seemed to me that there was a lot to do there. The Gulf is near but the water is so filthy I wouldn't do anything but wade in it. Driving anywhere is deadly boring as it's just flat with nothing to see.

The job market has always been the big draw for workers. Everyone you meet is from somewhere else. Back in the '80's there was a saying, "will the last person leaving Michigan, please turn out the light?" If the price of oil continues or stays down, there should be some great deals on houses as people leave.

I left Houston in 1992, and moved to West Texas for 7 years then to NM. I liked West Texas a lot better. Sorry to be so unenthusiastic but that's the way I saw Houston. I was young when I arrived there but never got used to the heat and humidity. Kind of adjusted to other things. I have many wonderful friends there but they visit me...I won't go back to see them.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: O/T: Moving from MA to Houston, TX

Forgot to say, shopping is great with lots of good malls, there are world-class medical facilities, cost of living will be less than what you're accustomed to. Schools in Texas aren't the greatest and are very much affected by being in the Bible Belt. Any other questions?
New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: O/T: Moving from MA to Houston, TX

I have moved cross-country several times, and if there is any way at all you can visit before you move, I would highly suggest that. is a good idea, and you can do lots of other online research, too. In my experience, a person can't really understand the flavor of a city until they have lived there at least one year. Expect it to be a whole lot different from MA in terms of environment, of course - the first time I moved to a different climate from what I had grown up in, it was a tough first year and it was hard for me to adjust. But I did, and with a bit of time, even learned to appreciate the different type of beauty of that climate (desert) as compared to my beloved Midwest/beautiful seasons.

I have moved enough, and am old enough to tell you that it will largely be what you make it. There are advantages and disadvantages to every location. Different people have different tastes, expectations, experiences. What one person loathes, another will love. Get out there and explore the area as much as you can. I also know from experience once your child is in school, you will gain a new perspective on the area as you will be interacting with other families, etc., and once you actually get to know some people, it will be a lot better.

Lastly, nothing has to be permanent. If you don't like it after a reasonable amount of time, there is nothing saying you can't move back to MA or any other place you select. But go into it with a good attitude, and really try and get to know it. Good Luck!

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Re: O/T: Moving from MA to Houston, TX

Its hot and humid, but everything is air conditioned. There are lots of mosquitoes. I generally have to put on mosquito spray in order to walk my dog. They carry diseases like encephalitis.

Traffic is horrendous. I try to get all my errands done prior to 3:00 PM in order to avoid the going home from work traffic. I also grocery shop during the day and not after work hours or on weekends. Its a city of four million people so there are always crowds everywhere you go.

I would try to live within an easy commute distance of where you work. Otherwise, you're spending hours commuting. Its expensive to live "inside the loop" which is in the inner part of Loop 610 which circles the inner city. If your husband can find work in Conroe Tx or Katy Tx, Beaumont TX which are midsize cities outside of Houston, you would be better off as far as rent and schools go.

HISD is not a good school district. You will need to research elementary schools to see which are "exemplary" -

Shopping is not a problem as there is world class shopping here. I would try to get an apartment close to work with a good elementary and that has a very high security profile. Since there are 4 million people here, crime is a problem. I would only look at apartments with a security gate. Even then, you need to be vigilant - a lot of crime happens in parking lots where you are most vulnerable. I can't believe the number of women I see talking on cell phones and not paying attention to their surroundings in parking lots. There are a ton of apartment locating services. Useful thread -

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Re: O/T: Moving from MA to Houston, TX

Wow! So many negative things...Lol....Don't get me wrong, I do appreciate all the input...but I am a little bummed. On a positive note, I love hot weather; I can't stand the hot and humid is good! Good to know what to look for in apartments...I'll definitely check out City Data.

Thank you everyone! Much appreciated :-)

Keep 'em coming!

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Re: O/T: Moving from MA to Houston, TX

I've lived in Houston for most of my life and wouldn't move anyplace else, except maybe Austin. The Hill Country, bordering Austin and taking up a large part of the middle of the state, is one of the most beautiful places in this country. Neverending things to see and do.

I'll write more later. Must go.