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@GenXmuse wrote:

I would go back and give him a tip. 



I definitely would too.


And going forward, I would always give him a tip.

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@Bridgegal, if you double tip next time, tell him that you are making up for no tip on the first visit.  Otherwise he may be expecting a big tip each time.  Lucky you to have found a great stylist!  LM

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Re: New Hairdresser

[ Edited ]

@Bridgegal  Yes, you should have tipped him.  Some salons work on a chair rent arrangement while others collect the entire amount and pay the sylist a salary/percentage of the service price.  Chair rent can be very high and it's due on time whether the stylist has a full book or not.  I would return to tip him now for the service you already had.  He's counting on that money now for his own bills and such that he has now, not what's going to happen two months from now.

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@Bridgegal wrote:

After our recent move, I had to find a new hairdresser.   I went to a salon today for a hair cut and liked what the hairdresser did a lot!!!   I'll be going back.


When I got my purse to pay, he said that I pay him not the front desk as he works for himself.   We were chatting and I gave him cash, made another apointment and left.   On my way home I realized that I paid him the price of his haircut but forgot about a tip.   


Now I'm not sure if I tip in this situation or not.  Where I've lived before I always tipped but the stylist worked for the salon.   Should I have tipped him?   Should I tip next time when I go for highlights????   I'm not cheap but just not sure show this works.   Thanks.

if it's close by stop in a give him the tip in an envelope with a note so you don't make a big deal, if not do both the next time, 

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A place opened up near me that has a whole floor of little rooms.  Each hairdresser rents a room/space and furnishes it with her own chair, sinks etc.   My hairdresser left and set up in one of these spaces.  I am not crazy about it.  Last time I went she was putting color on someone and worked me in (I had an appt).  We, 3 of us, were in a very confined space and hurrying she did a bad job on my hair.  She also said that if I don't pay cash I would be charged extra because she has to pay credit card company.  That put me off too.  Now I am looking for someone new.  I did tip her and feel that paying the credit card company is her problem not mine.  

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Hmmm.....  except for a few trips to SuperCuts over the years, I can't remember ever going to a salon where there was a 'front desk' and you paid at that desk.  I've always gone where the barber/stylist owns or leases her own space and I pay the barber directly.  In cash. 


* A woman is like a tea bag. You can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. *
- Eleanor Roosevelt
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I guess I still go to an old fashioned salon where the stylists are hired by the owner (who is a stylist too).  There is a front desk and I either give the tip directly to the stylist or put it in a mini envelope offered by the front desk to be given to her later.

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Exacy same scenario for me as well. Haircut and blow dry by stylist/owner and pay and book next appt. w/receptionist at front desk where I leave a tip in a mini envelope for him.

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I'm happy that I go to Supercuts where the person who did my hair rings up the bill and I usually give her the tip directly in cash.  It has been a long time that I went to a "salon."  Never heard of the system where a stylist rents a chair and either works for herself or pays rent to the owner of the salon??!!



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The place I went to previously employed the stylists.  You paid at a front desk and they took the tips and put them in an envelope with the stylists name and your name so they knew where the tip came from.


Last week I went to a new salon.  There are only 3 women who work in the shop.  All 3 own the salon together.  Each one has their own I-Pad and when you are ready to pay, the stylist pulls out her I-Pad, connects a scanning device to it and runs your credit card through the device.  A screen pops up and you pick a percentage of the tip you want to give them or you can enter a different amount.  You sign the I-Pad and done. 


Some places prefer tips be paid in cash even if you pay for the service with a card.  The woman who did my hair said they prefer to deal only with credit cards or checks so they don't have to worry about cash in the salon.