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I never had chapped lips in summer time. I normally have chapped lips in fall and winter. Please help. What can I use. Thanks.

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I wouldn't use anything laden with chemicals.

I use a lip balm that's organic, but you could use olive oil or coconut oil.

I just read about Lysine which can be in ointment form as a good cure for chapped lips.

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want to listen more abt it.

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First of all, make sure you're drinking plenty of water.

I have had very good experience with Carmex for treating already chapped lips. But to keep them in good shape, I've used:
*Peter Thomas Roth Un-Wrinkle Pink Ice Lip Balm
*WEN Texture Balm
*Assorted oils

Whatever you decide to use, consistency is key.

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I've been using ASDM Beverly Hills Microdermabrasion cream every other night on my lips and I use their lip plumbing serum twice a day. I usually suffer from chapped lips off and on all year. Since I have been using these two products I haven't had any more chapped lips. The plumping serum is more like a light serum. It is not one of those temporary plumpers that sting or burn. It really has helped with the hydration on my lips and the lines on my lips are softening. It is a treatment product and its working really well for me.

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The Body Shop Cocoa Butter Lip Care Stick

Paula's Choice Lip & Body Treatment Balm

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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I put a little AandD ointment on my lips every night. I rarely even have to use chapstick as long as I do this.

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Our family med doc suggested Chap Stick overnight lip treatment (you can use it all day) when my son developed terribly chapped lips. He won't use anything else. Inexpensive and found at most large retailers like Target and WalMart.

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Might it be sunburned lips? Several times when we were on summer vacation, I ended up with very chapped, sore lips that I think came from sunburn.

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Jack Black Lip Balm for Men. It is at ULTA and it saved me. Someone on this forum mentioned it. I put it on at night for a few nights and woke up with soft rosy lips. I am prone to chapping and I make it worse when I nervously bite my lips. I want perfect lipstick and when I use this, it works.

Happy WEN Girl since 1/12/2012