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Registered: ‎03-11-2010
I use Estée Lauder's Lip Conditioner. I also use Chapstick (the Red Velvet kind is nice.)
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Dermatologist recommends nothing but WHITE Vaseline. It can't be the regular smelly stuff. Has to be the white kind, comes in a tube. Very soothing and absolutely no odor. Works well!

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I do a lip scrub (I like bliss and philosophy best) and then follow-up with coconut oil chapstick. Tropical Traditions has a great cinnamon coconut oil one. It's the best chapstick I've ever used.
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if you purchase Avon....get some Care Deeply lip balm with Aloe.....I have been using it for years...good stuff....

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Registered: ‎03-23-2010

daytime: Chapstick or reasonable facsimile ...nighttime: light coat of petroleum jelly

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Argan oil

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Since starting to use Skinn Lip 6X years ago I have never had chapped lips again. I often apply several times daily.

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Aquaphor Smiley Happy. My son's dermatologist told him to use this constantly when he was taking Accutane, which causes dry and peeling lips. It worked pretty good.
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I use Josie Maran's lip and cheek year round..just on my lips. I use the clear at bedtime and colors during the day.

I used to have terrible dry cracked lips, this has been a permanent solution.. If I ever get one that feels like it's old or sat to long without using, I just put a single drop of Argan oil on it and its all ready to go again.

I did have one that I'd had for a while and it tasted like old lipstick....I took a knife and shaved off the top, used a couple small drops of oil and it was like brand new !

~love hard~~play hard~~be kind~~~life is short~
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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Rosebud Salve. Works on small cuts, hangnails, chapped lips -- I swear by it.