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Natasha denona new eyeshadow palette

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I've just been influenced by bestie Samantha March.

Just bought the new Natasha Denona Bloom eyeshadow palette.  I think @JudyL is going to like this one. It sells for $69 but using Lauren May Beauty code the shipped price was $58. I wish I could share the code but I bet you can find it on the web. It's the same for all of her Natasha denona discounts. And for some reason I've never had to pay tax on the ND website. Shipping is free.


I think these colors will look great with my new Fenty Flamingo Fling Lippie.


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Re: Natasha denona new eyeshadow palette

Lately, it's been "tough times" for people with ICE COLD coloring...

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Natasha denona new eyeshadow palette

@monicakm  Gorgeous eyeshadow palette- love the warm shades of plum. brown and rose gold- this will look fabulous with your Fenty flamingo gloss 🙂.

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Re: Natasha denona new eyeshadow palette

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Its so pretty! But I don't understand, these colors all look like cheek blush/ bronzer/ highlighter shades to me! Why wouldn't I just use my blushers, bronzers, highlighters that I already own??
I cannot find a plum eyeshadow shade these days anywhere!  Enjoy if you buy!

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Re: Natasha denona new eyeshadow palette

@monicakm   It's certainly a beautiful palette, but it's so difficult for me to wear pinks on my eyes w/o looking like a rabbit. Lol... I need to do a full eye look w/ dark liner, tightlining, pull it off. Enjoy you new ND looks.

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Re: Natasha denona new eyeshadow palette

@Skyegirl21   ITA about the shades. I've been using the Merit Flush Bombs (cream blush) in pink/mauve shades that are very soft. I use them on my eyes (powder bronzer in the crease) and the blush on my lips and out the door. 

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Re: Natasha denona new eyeshadow palette

@monicakm Please let us know what you think when you get this!

Those colors are gorgeous. Too warm for me, but I would love to see them on others.

I do love that bottom right corner color.

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Re: Natasha denona new eyeshadow palette

@ monicakm How is your hus doing? Hope he is better .  Always, Sligo

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Re: Natasha denona new eyeshadow palette



I just spoke with my sister-in-law a few minutes ago. He is doing better.  They are slowly reducing the sedation medications and she said they took a few of the larger equipment pieces out of the room today. I'll be going there today. I took yesterday off while he was still totally sedated to get some things done around the house.  His eyes have been open from time to time and he squeezed his sister's hand yesterday. Breathing has improved but when they backed the ventilator off he started breathing and rapidly again. But everything is moving in the right direction and I'm so thankful that it is. I don't know why I'm so jittery this morning, inside and out. The news is good and now I'm shaking😕 probably just nerves and excitement that he will be able to see me today.

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Re: Natasha denona new eyeshadow palette

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It’s very pretty. I have 3 of her pallets. I am going to wait for my birthday points because then I will get $20 off. I have city lip gloss in sun Diego that I think will look great with that pallet. I also like taking rms eye lights and using the shimmers in the ND pallets over it.