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Re: Leni Klum on cover of Glamour in Germany

Here's another pic of her. She's a gorgeous young lady.



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Re: Leni Klum on cover of Glamour in Germany

Leni is a pretty teenager.  The current cover reminds me a bit of Brooke Shields in the film "Pretty Baby."  Not because of look but the feelings each evokes that make me think about the status of children in society.  The cover with mother in which they wear suits presents her as a teen who is not overtly sexualized.


She will probably have a strong career in modeling just as Kate Moss' daughter or Cindy Crawfords son and daughter.  However, there are some actions with Crawford's adult children that are concerning.

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Re: Leni Klum on cover of Glamour in Germany

She is a lovely, young girl.  Models, Actors, Actresses, some of their children want the same career as their parent(s) and that's the way it works.  Hopefully, they can fill the shoes they are replacing.

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Re: Leni Klum on cover of Glamour in Germany

Is her father Caucasian?  Or is Steele her Dad?   Most of the mixed actresses, one parent is white, they take their Afro American side what I mean is they call themselves "Women of Color".  Miarah Carey, Halley Berry, etc.  



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Re: Leni Klum on cover of Glamour in Germany


Seal is not Leni's biological father, but he did adopt her.

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Re: Leni Klum on cover of Glamour in Germany

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Re: Leni Klum on cover of Glamour in Germany

According to USA today, her father is Flavio Briatore, an Italian businessman.  Klum met Seal while pregnant with Leni; they became partners, later married, and children together, an additional daughter and one or two sons.  Her current husband is White and German, I believe.

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Re: Leni Klum on cover of Glamour in Germany

It's a whole different world of the "rich and famous"!

It really is.

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Re: Leni Klum on cover of Glamour in Germany

Leni was a gorgeous toddler.  She definitely inherited her mom's looks.  Seal is not her bio dad obviously.

Posts: 30
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Leni Klum on cover of Glamour in Germany

[ Edited ]

Leni's sister who is Seal's biological daugher is photogenic, too.  It will be interesting to see if she is interested in having a successful modeling career also.  Her name is Lou Samuels.