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Leaving CC in over night ... how do other ladies do it

I shower as I always do and then leave the the CC I use for the 2nd cleanse in my hair as an overnight treatment ... usually the seasonals or a 613. I rinse out in the morning.

So now ... how do I get the most benefit.

Of course my hair is dripping wet coming out of the shower and I try not to towel dry as I don't want the CC rubbing off into the towel.

I have tried letting it air dry but the dripping is annoying and it never dries fully. So I have been blow drying it.

I was wondering how other ladies use the CC as an over night treatment.

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Re: Leaving CC in over night ... how do other ladies do it

I don't use the CC as an overnight treatment, I use Remoist or the oil for my overnight treatment. I use the CC and a few drops of oil for my leave-in.

When I use Remoist overnight, I squeeze any excess water out and then clip my hair up for about an hour. While it's clipped up, I tie an Aquis towel around my neck. Aquis towels are lightweight and absorbent. The one I use is 19" x 36", so it's long enough that I can drape it over my shoulders and tie the ends in a small knot around my neck, ensuring it stays in place to absorb extra water from my hair.

About an hour later, I unclip my hair and let it air dry for as long as possible before bed. It takes a long time, so I find it's best to put the Remoist in sometime in the late afternoon/early evening so that it's dry by bedtime. That's why I don't do the Remoist treatments nearly as often as I do the oil treatments.

For oils, I put them in my hair about an hour before I go to bed.

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Re: Leaving CC in over night ... how do other ladies do it

I never do that , either---don't even do a second cleanse or a leave in. I just use a small pump of styling cream on my wet hair after cleansing. I don't like the mouses, but I do like the Remoist. I sometimes put Remoist (or this Ojon layered oil that is fantastic!) throw on a shower cap and leave it on for an hour or two, then cleanse as usual. Great result on my long hair. Good luck.

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Re: Leaving CC in over night ... how do other ladies do it

I have very short hair and when I use either remoist or 613 over night I usually towel blot my hair , put either one of those in and since it's so short it dries fast and it's dry by bed time. In fact I'm probably going to do that in a little bit , I've been using the oil quite a lot overnight but forget to use remoist and I have no excuse because I have about 4 or 5 jars of remoist.
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Re: Leaving CC in over night ... how do other ladies do it

I've only ever done a Remoist or oil overnight treatment. Maybe leaving a turbie towel on overnight will help with the dripping?

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Re: Leaving CC in over night ... how do other ladies do it

When I want to save time, I will do this too. I do a normal first cleanse, and then I put the CC for my 2nd cleanse in and finish my shower. I'll wrap my hair in an old cotton t-shirt for about a half hour (there are descriptions and videos on "plopping" available online). This sops up the drippy excess water. Then right before I go to sleep I will pineapple my hair (there are vids for this too!) and put a disposable plastic shower cap over, then my satin cap. I got a package of the disposable shower caps for like $2 and I reuse them several times. In the morning it's still very wet. I rinse and proceed. My hair looks freshly washed (and I didn't have to get up an hour early to do it) and it benefits from an overnight WEN Fig treatment Smiley Happy
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Re: Leaving CC in over night ... how do other ladies do it

Before Remoist came along, I did deep conditioning treatments with the cc's and they work great. When I do a Remoist treatment, I put it in wet hair, work it in really good by scrunching and twisting, twist my hair until it's not dripping. If it's still a little wet by bedtime, I will use a pillow case to blot a little.

Posts: 24
Registered: ‎04-20-2014

Re: Leaving CC in over night ... how do other ladies do it

I use bamboo green tea mixed with 613 as an overnight treatment once a week. I sleep with a shower cap on so I don't mess up my pillow. This seems to work better for my hair than remoist.
Posts: 40
Registered: ‎09-14-2013

Re: Leaving CC in over night ... how do other ladies do it

I have better results with the CC as an overnight leave in than I do the remoist, strange I know, but I do. I never leave my hair dripping wet though. I always twist out the excess water from my 2nd rinse, then apply 613 and/Or BGT with the TT oil on scalp and work it in, twist my hair up and stick on a shower cap. Works great for me, but we are all different. What works best for me may not for you, but at least you have some idea of what works well for others Smiley Happy
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Re: Leaving CC in over night ... how do other ladies do it

I too use 613 as my overnight deep conditioner instead of the remoist, same as how you do it. I do a single cleanse first then apply 613. I apply it like a mask so I don't emulsify it with the splashes of water until the next morning before I rinse it out. By the time I work it into my hair and then get out of the shower and into my robe, wander around for a bit, it's no longer dripping wet.

Then I twist it up into a loose bun with a soft fabric scrunchy. Usually by the time I go to bed an hour or so later my hair has dried some, still damp but not soaking wet. I've been known to just leave it down and let it air dry almost all the way too, or wrap it up in a turbie twist if it's too wet still for bed.

In the morning I add some water and sometimes even a few more pumps of CC to get it good and frothy again, then rinse.

I LOVE 613 as an overnight treatment! Remoist doesn't work for me the way 613 does.