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Re: Keanu Reeves' girlfriend is pro gray...

I am stunned she is only 46!  Sorry but her face looks much older....deep sagging...laugh lines.  She appears 20yrs older then she really is.  I don't know what she looks like with dyed hair...perhaps it would help some but that's not what even got my attention at all.


Keanu....what is up with all that facial hair?  LOL YUK....he has a wilderness look going on.  Perhaps he gave up grooming??  


I know all this stuff takes alot of money and does.  To each his own.  If they are happy then it really doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.

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Re: Keanu Reeves' girlfriend is pro gray...

Maybe they just love each other for more than physical traits.


It also looks as though her hair is still long, but pulled back in this photo.


See the source image

~The only difference between this place and the Titanic is that the Titanic had a band.~
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Re: Keanu Reeves' girlfriend is pro gray...

I like this pic much better!

Image result for keanu girlfriend

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Re: Keanu Reeves' girlfriend is pro gray...

It's nice to see a male celebrity dating someone near his age. Leonardo DiCaprio dates models 20 years or more younger than he is (he is 45). I want to be with someone that I have things in common with, pop culture, I don't want someone not to know who I'm speaking about, or worse, saying my parents love him!

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Registered: ‎05-30-2011

Re: Keanu Reeves' girlfriend is pro gray...

I really like the way Keanu laughs at traditional Hollywood standards.  He just does whatever he wants without a care in the world.  I wish them both health and happiness.