Posts: 72
Registered: ‎08-15-2010
I usually apply cream to my hands at night after I've taken off my contact lenses in the dark. I keep Josie's whipped argon butter, argon balm, and divine drip n my nightstand. Tonight, while watching tv, I grabbed my jar of divine drip balm to apply. The room was dark but I noticed a strange color.. I turned on the lights and found mold all over the top of the it. I'm so annoyed. It's not cheap. I bought in November so I'm past the 30 return policy but I didn't use that much of it. Has this happened to anyone else?
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Re: Josie Maran Divine Drip

[ Edited ]

I had her foundation go rancid on me ! She doesn't use any preservatives in her products. I now purchase my argon oil from another source with preservatives. I can't afford to be throwing away expensive products.

I would call customer service and complain - maybe they will let you return it.

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Personally, for my arms,legs, hands etc I have been really loving Perlier from HSN. I am addicted to the honey lemon scented one.My skin loves this product.

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@BE mom  Absolutely call CS, regardless of 30 days having been passed! There could be a batch problem or worse that needs to be addressed. I will check mine tomorrow. Though I will confess, it's not a favorite of mine. 


Please, do call!

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@151949 wrote:

I had her foundation go rancid on me ! She doesn't use any preservatives in her products. I now purchase my argon oil from another source with preservatives. I can't afford to be throwing away expensive products.

I would call customer service and complain - maybe they will let you return it.

This is not true. You cannot make a broad statement and try to pass it off as fact without doing your research. The ingredients are listed on her website and I've seen preservatives on everything I've looked at in the past. Argan oil is different- many companies do not add preservatives to it or other oils as they generally do not go rancid if kept in the proper conditions and only after a long period of time. 


Perhaps you are not familar with the types of preservatives she uses but yes, indeed, she does use preservatives in most of her products.

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I love her divine drip, so far with her products I have been lucky. I would contact customer service on the problem. The only issue I have is I feel she, Josie cuts corners on making sure the products are properly sealed. Good luck. Would like to know the out come.

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I agree that Josie should seal her products, but when I asked QVC they sent me an email, and quoted to me that at this time beauty products are not required to be sealed. 


Regarding the mold issue, I would throw out the product if I had had it for 60 days or more. Otherwise, I would call QVC, and ask about it. 

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@BE mom I got a sample of Divine & didn't care for it. I am nearing the end of my favorite 19 oz vanilla pear body butter & its well over a yr. and the scent hasn't changed or the texture. There is a peservative in her butters. That is unusual that her product has gone rancid in such a short period of time. I am sure you can get a refund. .


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In one of the reviews someone stated they had mold on the lid, but I haven't had it happen & mine I bought in October. It's almost gone, I'm in the north. It might also depend on the climate or how warm the room they're stored in? Maybe the scents? I got the Pure Honey Honey Fig when it was introduced. I'm going to use mine up faster knowing more than one person this is happening to now.

Posts: 72
Registered: ‎08-15-2010
I live in NY and it is the Vanilla Fig scent.