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Re: I Had RHA Lip Injections Today 💋

@rochelleS No thanks.Hate needles.aging is natural,I am fine with that

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Re: I Had RHA Lip Injections Today 💋

@rochelleS  Wow! What a difference. You look great.Smiley Happy

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Re: I Had RHA Lip Injections Today 💋



This morning I got out my gua sha and noticed my right undereye was nice and flat.  The left one was puffy Smiley Sad 

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Re: I Had RHA Lip Injections Today 💋

Looks really good & very natural. 

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Re: I Had RHA Lip Injections Today 💋

[ Edited ]



My sister doesn't have much in the lip department either. Of course, lessening with age. She was also scheduled for RHA today too but has to wait until a coldsore near her lip completely heals. But, it'll be most interesting to see the rejuvenation of her slender lips.  Plus she has some deeper upper lip lines too. Stay tuned!




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Re: I Had RHA Lip Injections Today 💋



Thank you! I feel great. This is really exciting for me! 💖

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Re: I Had RHA Lip Injections Today 💋



Thank you! Trust me. I am equally impressed...bordering on being blown away. I keep asking my sister if they're still there. This has been just too darn cool! 🤔😲👍😊💋


Very minimal pain, if I'd even call it that after the numbing cream wore off. I'd actually call it a slight, very slight discomfort to be honest. Minimal swelling as well.


The numbing cream did not completely mask the injection sting. Multiple tiny needles were used. My bottom lip was treated first. I tolerated it well and trust me I am a wuss. Plus, it didn't take that long either. She said the upper lip is more sensitive but I was prepped and psychologically primed. Those tiny needle pr*cks do sting for a second or two and were not long lasting as she worked along my lip. The injections I've had in my knee were x1000 worse in terms of discomfort both during and after. Actually the numbing cream was probably the weirdest sensation. I'm not fond of the same with dental procedures 



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Re: I Had RHA Lip Injections Today 💋

@San Antonio Gal 


Thank You! ❤️❤️❤️

The Aesthetician did a magnificent job. I'm so impressed.

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Re: I Had RHA Lip Injections Today 💋

[ Edited ]



Thank you ❤️❤️❤️.


XOXO to you and hope all is well on your end!

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Registered: ‎07-21-2011

Re: I Had RHA Lip Injections Today 💋

@Queen of shop 


Thank you!